29. A closer step

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A poetic person as well you are

A singer who sings crazily in the car,

The person who makes me laugh

And say at your stupid things "Don't be daft"

The crazy costumes you make me try on

But not as crazy as the one in which you were a clown,

It scared the hell out of me

But I realized it was you so it was better, otherwise I would be:

Screaming crazy as if a clown was there to kidnap me and take me away

But thank God it was you, otherwise I would've slapped the clown on the way,

The things you make me say

The laughs I do not fail to miss every day,

The dinners that we have together

The way you let me lay my head on your shoulder

The love and relationship gets bolder,

The times you make me pout

The times you make me scream in surprise or shout,

The times you make me talk too much

Or the times I make a big fuss,

About the most little things

What joy being with you brings,

I... Have nothing much to say

Our love and bond gets stronger everyday,

Which brings an improvement in life

A closer step to actual love

You gave me that key chain on Christmas which was shaped like a dove,

I was happy, the dove represents how we would remember each other

Just ignore the glares from my brother,

He wouldn't mind later, neither would I

I would never give up the chance to hear your 'hey' or 'hi',

You mostly say 'hey' as you think it looks cool

And surprise me by pushing me into the pool,

How amazing you already are?

That I could see from afar,

You are amazing to me

And what were going to be

Is even more amazing, surprising and free

Something more than just Rhymes | ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon