30. Fight

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The cute dimples that make me smile every time I meet you

Make all of my worries fade away in the blue,

You order pizza when we are alone

The taste makes me moan...

And you tell me to shut up...

And I know why ; ) yup!

When it's the time of the month, you bring me ice cream

And hug me when I have a bad dream,

At times, sleeping with me at night

And helping me fight,

Fight the night mares from my horrible past

I do not know how long they would last,

But the nightmares turn into good dreams when I am with you

That is also why my feelings grew,

You help me heal

You make me feel:

Happy, delighted, alive and me

You make me feel how I felt before, how I used to be,

You found me all broken,

At that time I thought no one cared

But when you came, I just stared,

At you

Because I had NO clue,

I was not expecting anyone to come for my cries

But when I saw those pair of eyes,

I felt somewhat relieved

Since then I believed,

Anyone can help you escape your thoughts or terrible situations, like you did to me

Since then, I knew you were my key,

My key to everything,

The way your warm arms encircle my waist

To make me lose when we raced,

At those times I would just laugh and not care about the race

But look at our positions, leaving no space

What's the point of holding back something behind that we missed,

We looked into each other's eyes after the kiss

And it was a bliss,

You and me

Let's see what we cannot wait to be

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