34. Promising

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I had to find you

At first I had no clue

What to do and what not to do,

Then I fixed the pieces together

In the scorching hot weather,

But when I found out I Loved you

I thought that it was a stupid feeling that would fade away in the blue,

But no, it stayed in the darkness of me to bring me light

The light made me bright, full of ideas to fight,

Every thing that happens means something

Something that could bring,

Bring the best in you

It is true,

At first I also thought it was stupid and fake

But love is something hard to break,

You cannot get rid of the feelings in the blink of a second,

Love is not something in which you can check in then leave 

Love is something that bugs you

Bugs you for screwing up,

For not taking the first chance

For not having the amazing dance,

But it's never late

It may take a week or eight,

But the feeling that is in you

Makes you feel like nothing you have felt before

The feeling

When he's kneeling

With a ring

Not a marriage ring! Come on! I'm too young to get married people!

It was a promise ring,

Promising that you would be there:

In the darkness of me

In my hardest of times

When I have no idea what to and what to find,

Laughing along with me

Bursting in laughter again on the count of three,

Being there when I'm confused 

So you console me with those words

Those words make me explore different worlds,

Full of different emotions

Something more than just Rhymes | ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang