Chapter 8

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     A couple of weeks had passed since Noah had started wetting the bed and had been put back in the diapers. He began growing used to the idea of using his diaper and even sometimes didn't know when he used it. At this time the month was August and school was beginning to start. Noah began growing nervous about what the new school year would bring. Everyone in the house felt like there was something wrong bothering Noah, but couldn't tell what.

Brittany and Roman felt like Noah was becoming more distant and spending more time in his room. Growing concerned Brittany decided to go talk to him. Brittany starts walking up the stairs and to Noah's door. When she opens the door she sees Noah laying on his bed listening to music and looking out his window. She walked over and sat on his bed, while tapping his shoulder. Noah looked over his shoulder and turned off his music.

"You have seemed upset recently. Is everything okay?" Brittany asked.

"Not really." Noah replied honestly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Brittany inquired.

"I don't know. I don't want you to think that I am weird or stupid." Noah answered quietly.

"Noah, honey I want you to know that you can come to me or your dad with anything and we would never think you are weird or stupid." Brittany replied.

"Okay, well I guess that I am just nervous about going back to school and what people will say if they find out about my diapers." Noah explains.

"I thought that you wanted to be homeschooled. What made you change your mind?" Brittany asks curiously.

"I forgot about the homeschooling. Thank you for reminding me." Noah said relieved.

"You're welcome." Brittany responded.

After talking to Noah, Brittany walks back downstairs and sits on the couch with Roman. Roman turns on the television and clicks the Hulu icon. He starts scrolling through options until he finds a show called the tale of handmaids. Halfway through the second episode Brittany gets a phone call from Kane's friends mom. She quickly pauses the show and answers the phone.

"Hello Stephanie, is everything alright." Brittany asked.

"Kane got super sick and doesn't feel very good." Stephanie responded.

"Okay I will be right there." Brittany says and hangs up the phone.

"Roman, I will be back in twenty minutes. I have to go pick up Kane.

"Okay, honey. Roman responded.

(Twenty minutes later)

Brittany walked into the house carrying Kane on her hip. Brittany walked into her room and laid down on the bed. Brittany placed Kane in her lap and took off her shirt. Brittany then undid her bra and brought Kane's head up to her chest. Kane continued drinking for ten minutes when he fell asleep and Brittany laid him in the crib.


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