Chapter 17 ) After The Trial

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Angel's pov

Ever since the trial , I have been depressed . I felt like justice wasn't served to me or my family . My daughter is only two and the bitch that planned her raped is out roaming free and making more money than I can imagine . Its hard to be happy when that is constantly on your mind . I was laying in bed just thinking about the trial when I hear the door open .

" Baby , please get up . We have to do the Ellen show today " Josh said as he climbed in bed

" Ughh I don't wanna " I whinned

" Everything is gonna be okay Angel , I'll be right by your side and if you get uncomfrontable , we can leave immadiately . Its that simple " Josh said

" Alright let me get ready . " I said as I got out of bed .

I showered then put on my outfit. I wore a red lace dress with red pumps. I put my hair in a high pony tail and put on a little red lipgloss and mascara . I headed down stairs to see Josh wearing all black .

" Well I guess you'll be the one standing out today . " He smiled

" You look great too honey " I said kissing his cheek

" Wait who is gonna watch Cill? " I asked

" My mother is in the garden with her now. " Josh replied

I nodded and we were off to the Ellen show

Ellen Show

" Hello welcome to the Ellen show and today we have some fun guest but their here for a serious matter . Please welcome , Angel and Josh Hutcherson . " She introduced

We walk out together hand in hand . We give Ellen a hug then sit down

" Can I start off by saying that you look stunning today ? I mean who is your stylist ? " Ellen asked me

" Haha thank you but I don't have a stylist . I dress myself everyday " I answered

" Well keep up the good work because you look great honey . " She compliments

" Well thank you Ellen " I smiled

"Now off to more serious matter. So I was told by my producers a few weeks ago that there was a terriable inncident that happen in your family . Is that right? " She asked

" Yes " Me and Josh answered in unison .

" What exactly happened " She asked

" Well Angel Was out with a friend while me and our daughter were at home . Two men came in and beat me and and one man raped and beat our daughter and then managed to rob our house " Josh answered

" Wow. And how old is your daughter again? " Ellen asked

" 2 " I answered

" That is insane and I'm so sorry that happened to you guys " Ellen said

The crowd clapped

" It really is a miracle that she alive with us today . Because she did truly die while she was in the hospital after her rape " I answer

" Are you serious " Ellen asked shocked

We both nodded our head .

" That is just so upsetting. Now did the men that did this in jail or what is the situation with that ? " Ellen asked

" Well the man who raped her was apart of the robbery as well so he got 54 years in federal prison and the man that beat Josh was sentenced to 3 years in federal prision . The women who planned all of this roams free due to lack of evidence and she was aquitted of all charges " I informed

" Wow that is one hell of a justice system I tell you " She said

" Yeah " Josh replied

" And how is the little girl doing now ? " She asked

" She is slowly recovering and returning to her life as a pampered princess " I said

The crowd laughed

" Well its good that she is coming over this tragic thing and that the men who did this are in jail " She said

Josh and I both clapped

" Now I understand with all that comes stress . " She said

" More than that " Josh added

" So with that being said , I booked you guys a trip for two to the Tenerife Canary Islands , in Spain . I figured you guys needed a vacation after this terriable situation . " Ellen smiled

I began to cry happy tears . Josh pulls me in for a hug . I cried on his shoulder. The crowd awes .

" Yes , you guys will being staying in a luxury resort right off the beach , you'll be petting and swimming with Dolphins, having a exciting tour of the island and attend a special perfmance by the one and only Katy Perry " She said

I got up and embraced Ellen . She hugged me .

" Thank you so much Ellen . " I said as I let her go

" Your welcome " She says looking in my eyes\

Josh gets up to hug and thank her. I walk towards the camera man and whisper something in his ear . Ellen and Josh takes their seats again and I join them .

" Josh you know I love you . " I said

" Yess...." He said awkwardly

Ellen looked confused

" You know your daughter loves you right ? " I asked as I got off the couch and headed towars the jumbo screen

" Yes ... " He awkwardly answers

" But do you know the your son loves you " I asked as the picture of my ultrasound pops up on the jumbo screen

He gets up and begins to cry . The crowd goes wild .

" Wow I had no idea that was happening " Ellen laughed

Josh ran over to me and kissed me and the show ended


Angel's Outfit and Ultrasound in MM

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