Chapter 18 ) Revenge

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Airplane Ride Home . 

Josh's Pov 

" I can't believe I'm having a son . " I said still shocked 

" I know me either . I'm not even 20 and I have two kids . " Angel replied . 

" Listen I know your nervous but you need to know that I'm gonna be there for you no MATTER what. This time I promise to stay and be there for everything . " I said moving next to her . 

She leans and kisses me . I cup her cheek and deepen the kiss . I can feel lips passionately move againist mine . There is no better feeling than that . I feel like I'm on a high of some sort . I truly love this girl with every once and bone in my body and nothing will ever change that . 

Jennifer's Pov 

Its been a few days since the trial and let me tell you , I'm so happy I got off . I mean I knew in my heart that I should have got some time but when you have a face like mine and a man like him anything is possible . So I did what I had to do . I gave him oral sex and $18,000 into his back account . Due to my wonderful services , I am now and will forever remain a free women . But justice still wasn't served in my opinion . Josh needs to pay for everything he put me through and I know just how to it . I grabbed the keys to my sliver BMV along with my custom made LV purse  and locked the door . I got in my car and headed to my destination. 

1 hour later 

" Ms.Jennifer Lawerence . " The nurse called 

I grabbed my purse and followed the nurse into the small purple office . I waited about 15 minutes before the doctors arrive. 

" Hello Ms.Lawerence , I'm Doctor Evans , How are you today ? " He said 

" I'm very well . " I replied 

" Well what brings you here today ? " He asked giving me his full attention 

" My husband and I decided it was the right time to bring a baby into our life and I was wondering right time to start trying for one ? " I explained 

" Well that can be determined by when you ovulate Ms.Lawerence " He replied 

" I don't know when that is Dr. " I answered 

" When do you exactly start you menstrale cycle ? " He asked 

" The 4th through 11th every month " I said 

" The best time to concieve would be the week after that . " He smile 

" Thank you so much Doctor " I said as I got up to leave 

" Wait Ms.Lawerence , lets run some test on you before you go . I want to make sure that you body is healthy enough to carry a fetus . " He said as he grabbed my arm . 

I gently pulled away my arm and sat back down . 

" I'm gonna send in our female Doctor to administer you test . You have a good day and good luck with conception . " He smiled as he left the room . 

A half an hour went by before the female doctor came. 

" Sorry for the wait Ms.Lawerence . My name is Dr.Calico and I'll be doing your test . " She said 

I smiled . I took us about half an hour to complete all the test . I got re dressed and headed to the main lobby to sign and pay for the test . 

" Now your results will be mailed to your home in three days." She explained as I signed the paper . 

I gave her the $400 dollars in cash and she took the paper . 

" Alright you have a good day now " She smiled 

I returned the smile and left . I went straight home and showered  . After that , i changed into sweat pants and a crop top . I soon decided that I was hungry so I ordered some pizza and french fries. I popped in a movie and sat on the couch . The movie was almost over by the time the pizza got here .  I paid the delivery guy and happily ate and finished my movie. As I cleaned up my mess , the only thing I can thin of was my test results .  If I can get Josh to get me pregnant , not only will I reunine his career but his marriage as well. That sounds like perfect revenge to me . 

3 days later 

I woke up at around 9 am . I got up and went to the bathroom and did my hygiene . It wasn't until I came out the bathroom that I realized that today was the day I would get my result . I knew the mail ran at 10 so to past the time I decided to make myself a nice breakfast. I ate my breakfast then cleaned up my mess. I looked at my watch . Ir read 10:17 am . I excitedly ran to the mailbox. I instantly grabbed my mail than ran back inside . I sat on the couch and scrambled through the mail until I came across a blue envelope that read RESULTS . I quickly opened and read them . 

" The following patient ( Jennifer S. Lawerence ) is inferitile and is unable to have any childern durning her life spand . "

Wow . I balled out crying . After 15 minutes of crying , I washed my face and looked in the mirror . 

" Oh trust me , I will have a baby " I said as I looked at the picture of Angel showing off her babybump

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