Chapter 26 ) Start Of A Secret

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Josh's Pov 

We picked up my princess from daycare and headed home . We were in the car when Angel started talking . 

" Josh did you like coming to the doctor appointment with me ? " Angel asked

" Yeah baby . It was good . " I smiled 

" You saw the baby ? Priscilla asked

" Yep . Sure did Princess " I said 

" What it look like ? " She asked

" Like this " Angel says as she pulls the ultrasound picture

She hands it to Cill . 

" Mommy , why the baby not pretty like me ? " She asked

My jaw dropped

" Cill that was rude . When your brother is born , you need to apologize to him. " Angel said

" But mommy " Cill protested

" No buts Cill " Angel said

Cill was about say something else but Angel turned up the radio . I chuckled to myself and continued to drive. The car ride was pretty much silent from there .

30 minutes later .

We arrived at the house and decided that we were gonna go out to dinner . Angel took Priscilla upstairs to get changed while I took I shower . I got dressed in my navy blue Calvin Klein shirt with Khackis and Khacki Sperrys .I walked out of the room and straight to Priscilla's room to see what the girls were up to. I noticed Angel had changed Priscilla into a white dress with some silver flats .She had put Priscilla's hair into a nice ponytail My princess look beautiful.

" You look very beautiful Cill . " I said

" Tank you daddy " She smiled

I kneeled down to her level and grabbed her hand.

" Promise me you'll always be my princess." I say

" I pinky swear daddy " She says while holding out her pinky

I latch her finger to mine.  We stay like this for a few moments before letting go. I then pull her in for a big hug. These were the moments that I cherished.

I finally looked up to see the angel was gone and no longer in the room. So I got up and walk towards our bedroom. Once I arrived in there I notice her standing in front of the mirror. She had her hair down and was wearing a blue fitted dress with some black flats. Even though she was 6 months pregnant and bigger than she used to be my baby girl still looked beautiful. I got so lucky to have beautiful women in my life and to be able to call them my own

" Josh, what are you staring at? " She asked

" oh, nothing. Iwas just amazed at your beauty" I replied

She walked over to me and then placed her hand on my chest.

" Baby , this isn't Shakespeare you can talk regular English to me. But thank you for the compliment " She giggled

I rolled my eyes before giving her a kiss .

" Ewwwweww " I heard

Angel and I laughed before heading out the door with Priscilla in arms .

" Josh , can you please put Priscilla in her seat and buckle her up ? " Angel asked

" Sure thing babe " I said as I picked up Priscilla .

Angel headed towards the passenger seat while I got Priscilla situated. After that was done I started the car and we're off to dinner .

1 hour later

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