A day full of surprises.

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It was Monday. She got up and got dressed in a turtle-neck sweater and ripped jeans.

She gathered up her hair in a ponytail and rushed downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning Dad!" She gave Mr. Wealth a hug, Who was busy eating his breakfast.

"Why are you up so early? It's only nine," He looked over at the wall clock.

"I just couldn't sleep, You off to work?" She asked.

"Of course, Christmas holidays in  two weeks,"

"Yeah... Christmas. I'm looking forward to meeting Grand Ma,"

"Yeah... It's a pity Carlos's girlfriend won't be here this Christmas. He'd miss her a lot, I guess."

"Nah, Dad... He's never gonna miss her. She cheated on him!" She was still mad at that bitch for cheating on her beloved brother.

"Yeah yeah... Let's see who is gonna be his date this Christmas." Mr. Wealth stood up and headed towards the door.

"Bye!" She called.

"Bye honey!"

Mr. Wealth left, and Amanda set to work.

She was going to make breakfast for everyone and then laze around till four o'clock.

After a whole hour, she succeeded in making pancakes and omelets.

"Mmmmm...Wow, who just decided to grace the kitchen with her presence?" Carlos entered the kitchen.

"I did, Come on have a seat," Amy placed a plate of his favorite omelet in front of him with orange juice and toasted bread.

"Thanks and yeah Mom has no intentions to get up so you can put her breakfast in the refrigerator and come join me,"

She did what she was told to and took a seat in front of Carlos and started digging into her food.

After swallowing the first few bites of omelet and pancake she started the conversation she was having earlier with her father.

"So are you seeing anyone?"

"What?" Carlos looked confused.

"You know... Dating anybody?"

"Ah... Uhm. Well, I like this girl, it's kind of serious I guess,"

"And?" She demanded.

"She goes to your High School,"

Amanda's eyes went as wide as an egg.

"Oh, nice... Who is she?" She looked like she was going to stand up and start crazy dancing.

"I can't tell you right now. You'll see for yourself at Christmas,"


Carlos nodded.

"Yes, She likes me too and we are sort of going out." With this, he got up, Flashed a smile at her, and headed towards the door before Amy could ask any other questions.

"Suspense." She muttered.

At exactly four o'clock she called her Goodbyes to her mother and headed towards Luck's house.

"Hello!" She called as she entered the house.

"Ma'am, Mr. Alex is upstairs." She was informed by the house's help.

"Okay," She nodded and rushed upstairs.

"Alex?" She called.

No reply.

"Alex?" She called again.

Still no reply.

Due to her growing curiosity, she decided to take a peek in his bedroom.

She opened the door to his bedroom, There he was fast asleep.

She sighed.

"Good. A day off," She said to herself.

"Uhuh... No day off, " Someone spoke behind her.

She jumped up in fright and turned around.

And forgot to breathe.

There he was.



"May I ask why?" She demanded.

"Because I said so," He took a step towards her.

"As if I'll listen to you," She rolled her eyes and tried to walk past him.

He placed his hand on her arm and bent towards her.

He was reeking of alcohol!

It's four in the evening, How in the hell does he have alcohol in his bedroom?

She thought.

"You're drunk,"

"Sure..." He drawled, Bent down, and placed his thumb on her lower lip.

"Ans..." She tried to speak but he had already bent down over her.

"Shhh..." He shushed her and bit her lip.

Not even kissed it!

She let out a low squeal. Her lip would probably turn red.

"Soft and beautiful... Amanda Wealth, "He let out a drunk laugh.

"What the hell, Ansel?" She tried to raise her voice but failed miserably.

Her lip was tingling with the heat of the scene.

"W-what?" He questioned right back. His eyes were red and unfocused.

She suddenly felt afraid of the bad boy.

"Why are you even drunk at this time?" She demanded.

"That's my way to... party... Distraction... peace!" He held out two fingers and made a V.

His words were making no sense at all. He surely was drunk.

She gathered up her strength to push him away and moved forwards but he blocked her way, This time by gripping her wrist.

"What the fuck? Get out of my face!" She cried.

His grip tightened and this time he bent forward as if he had a reason.

And Amanda Wealth's mind went completely numb.

His lips met with hers's and she gave up.

Their lips moved in sync. He was kissing her like a kiss-deprived person.

His hands snaked up her waist and held her tightly, The kissing got passionate and she opened her mouth to allow him entrance. He gladly took the opportunity and thrust his tongue into her mouth.

This came out with so much passion that Amanda found herself moving backward and banging against the wall.

His grip around her tightened even more and he pulled her towards him away from the roughness of the wall and to the warmth of his body.

He was a skilled kisser. Amanda was melting in his arms when suddenly she had the sense to pull away.

She was making out with a drunk hottie! What the fudge?

"Can I..." He slurred "Keep on kissing you, please?"

Babysitting The Bad Boy's Brother.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora