Day 650 - 769 (Preparedness)

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After the peak, we no longer had 9-1-1 to call in an emergency. So Uncle Peter wanted the family to be prepared. One of his concerns was an attack from Washington. Fire was also a big concern.

With these threats in mind, Uncle Peter had Grandpa Kevin and Great-Uncle Ellis install a large, loud bell in the living room and a hand crank air raid siren in the kitchen window.

A smoke detector and fire extinguisher was installed in every room.

Uncle Peter and I also appropriated six rifles. They were stored in a big storage locker on the porch. Several people were trained to use the guns and had the opportunity to fire at paper targets from windows.

Everyone was given instructions for what they should do and where they should go in a given emergency. Lenny made sure every able-bodied adult knew how to use a fire extinguisher. Every once in a while, we performed drills.


In April of the second year, Uncle Peter finally made good on his threat. He planted all of the remaining Bridge Troll seeds in random locations in Belleville, Freeburg, and wherever else he happened to be scavenging in.

Meanwhile, on the farm, Uncle Peter planted some of the special seeds from the shoe box. He renamed them all after Jeannie: "Hypocrite Honey", "Jeannie Junk", "Daft Dwarf", "Bitter Bitch", "Swamp Hag", and "Crass Harpy". He planted all of them with labels big enough to read from the Main House.

Each variety had its own unique qualities. For example, "Jeannie Junk" was best for managing pain, while "Daft Dwarf" helped people sleep.

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