Chapter 5

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"Okay, I believe we need to make a schedule," Sarah announced.

Lucas's shoulders shrugged at the mention of a schedule. "Argh, not a schedule. I hate your schedules."

"Lucas, we have a mission to complete and we have limited time," Sarah pointed out. "We need to get organized if we want to finish on time and go back home."

"Fine," a gloomy Lucas agreed.

"By the way, Floufli how much time do we have until the twin moon eclipse?" Sarah asked.

"We have five snacks, one breakfast, one lunch and one dinner until the twin moon eclipse," Floufli the Amazing replied.

"Hm? Five snacks, one dinner, one lunch and one breakfast. In human time that would be like what, twelve hours?" Sarah said as she flipped through the pages of the 'prophecy' book.

"I forgot to mention nap time..." Floufli added while looking intently at his fingernails. "It should be soon."

"Okay, there should be a list somewhere in here with all the parts of the machine..." Sarah muttered as she turned the pages looking for above mentioned list. "Aha! Here we go." She voiced proudly, as if she had just found a secret stash of candy.

Sarah started reading off the page. "Let's see, we need the following - screen, keyboard, control panel, thermal fuse, mixing motor, three multi rib belts,"

"Blah, blah, blah," Lucas mumbled while playing with a loose belt.

Sarah rolled her eyes at her brother's antics. "Can I have a white board or something to write on?"

"Your wish is my command," Floufli snapped his fingers and a beautiful gold board appeared before Sarah.

"Oh, wow! It's gold! I have never seen a gold board. Most unusual." She went close to it and brushed her fingers on the slightly bumpy surface. "Now, I need something to write with."

"Simply tell it what you want to write and it will appear on the board." Floufli explained.

"Ah, okay. Screen," she talked to the board. "Um, Floufli. I think it's broken."

Floufli the Amazing turned to the board, "Goldie on."

"Screen," Sarah tried once more. "It works, Lucas did you see it?"

"Aha! So cool!"

"Yes, we are very proud of our Goldie here. She is one of my inventions," Floufli gloated.

"A very practical invention. Bravo Floufli."

"Please don't urge him on. I am still trying to recover from the latest invention - the ultimate air purifier that turned the house into an ice cube." Lalapap the Crankiest said with a long face.

"Um, guys...sorry to interrupt but why is the sky green?" Lucas asked.

"Green? No, no, no. The sky is purple not green," Floufli the Amazing corrected Lucas as he turned to him.

"No, it's most def... most defi...just look!"

"Take your time my Lucas. Sound it out," Floufli gently told him.

Lucas beamed at him and continued, "defi-nit-ely defi-nitely green." Lucas finished and pointed at the dome above.

Floufli the Amazing did a double take on the dome. As soon as he realized the sky was indeed green, his beautiful magenta stipes turned green as well. He started running around the room. His ears shaking more than any other time. His hands were flailing above his head. "Sound the sirens! The Crits are coming. Everybeast needs to take cover!"

Otherworldly Beasts : Finding the Royals (ONC Entry)Where stories live. Discover now