Chapter 9

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"Oh my, I still cannot believe that you can hear the Crits?" Lalapap the Crankiest shrieked, once they were back inside the grand hall.

"Lalapap the Crankiest, one Crit. I can hear one Crit, not all the Crits." Floufli the Amazing corrected her.

"That's one more than anyone of us can hear," Lalapap the Crankiest insisted.

"That's true." Floufli the Amazing smirked at her.

"So, I guess we are going home," Sarah voiced.

"Who said that you are going home?" DI asked.

"How else will Floufli find the solar panels? We need to go with him and show him."

"That is not necessary. Floufli the Amazing will be able to find the panels by himself just fine. You need to stay here, since Lambis still needs to be fixed." Lalapap the Crankiest said.

"Seriously?" Sarah asked frustrated.

"Yes, my Sarah. You need to help us get Lambis in top form." DI agreed with Lalapap the Crankiest.

"DI move your wings. I can't see," Sarah huffed.

"Sarah, you can see DI?" Lucas asked baffled.

"Um, I can!" Sarah jumped around excited.

"Well, that's nice. You finally believe." Lalapap the Crankiest added with a smile.

"I guess I do believe," Sarah said and moved closer to DI, hesitantly petting his back.

"Shall we get a move on. We have a lot of things to do. Floufli the Amazing you must go and find the panels. The rest of you let's finish fixing Lambis," DI said.

They all nodded. Floufli the Amazing blinked and disappeared in an instant.

"I have one wire to fix in the machine and then to connect the keyboard at the front," Lucas said and walked inside the grand hall that held Lambis.

Lucas pulled one of the wires and cut in in half. He arranged the wires to take a shorter route to the central operating unit of Lambis. Then after a double check that all the connections were in place, and that all pipes were fixed with no crack that could lead to a leakage, Lucas dusted his hands on his pants satisfied with his work. He liked working with his hands. He liked working alone.

"All done," he shouted from inside the machine. "You want to give it a go?"

DI flew to the front of Lambis and pressed the green button. "Are you sure you connected all the wires and pipes?"

"Yes. Did you press the button?" Lucas asked.

"Pretty sure. Let me try one more time. No, nothing is happening," DI answered.

Lucas double checked the wires and pipes to make sure that everything was connected. "I don't understand. Everything is where it should be...Lambis why aren't you working?" he mumbled to himself.

"Lucas, did you check the main power? Is it on?" Sarah yelled from the door of the hall where she was keeping an eye out for the Crits.

Lucas's eyes grew wide. He had forgotten that they had unplugged the machine while they were working on it. 'To prevent any unfortunate accidents,' as Sarah had said.

"No. DI give me a moment to plug in Lambis." Lucas said. He then proceeded to open the secret hatch on the floor and plug in the machine. "Can you try now?"

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