Chapter 6

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Oh, hey! You are back! You are a curious one aren't you?

I like me the curious ones - people, beasts and anything in between or far away, yes I do. I am the most curious of them all...

Where were we? Ah, Sarah and Lucas had a run in with the Crits.

Ah, the Crits such fuzzy, lovely creatures and very quiet at the moment. Well, they are kind of preoccupied with eating.

Snoring sounds buzzed in the background as Floufli the Amazing, Lalapap the Crankiest and DI were still sound asleep.

Sarah and Lucas stood at the back of the machine to keep an eye out for the Crits.

Sarah and Lucas had gotten some panels unscrewed from Lambis, the machine, and boxed the Crits in a corner.

"Lucas, let's finish with the parts list. We need to know what we are missing," Sarah told him.

He nodded in agreement, and walked into the back entrance of the machine. Sarah went back to the yellow pedestal and her list.

"How many wires do we have?"

"Two and a half."

"There should be three wires according to the manual. So we will need one more wire." Sarah turned to the board and gave the command for one wire. Pleased that she had finally started her list she smiled to herself and continued to read. "Let's see, you should have seven main pipes. All different colors. Do you have a red one?"





"Got it."


"Yup, I see it. It's kinda half eaten but I can use it." Lucas informed her.

"That's good. Purple."

"Nope. The Crits have that..."

"Hm, not checked then. I'm not taking it away from them," Sarah said.

Lucas frantically shook his head in agreement. "Me neither."

A small grin started to form on Sarah's lips. Her brother was usually quick to take action and then think about the consequences later. If he thought about the consequences that is. Apparently, that had changed a bit in their time at Otherworldly Land. "Em, next is black."

"No black."

"We need black. Let me put it on the board next to purple." She turned to Goldie and updated her list. "And finally we have brown."

"Wait...I think I...wait...yes brown pipe is all the way at the back." He answered.

Lucas stared at the inside of Lambis puzzled. They had been transported to this magical Otherworldly Land, the beasts had the power of magic available to them. Yet, they didn't use it to fix Lambis, the machine. "Sarah, I was wondering. Why don't the beasts use magic to fix the machine?"

"I don't know. We can ask them when they wake up." She shrugged her shoulders.

Satisfied with her answer, Lucas walked further into the machine. He laid on his back on the ground and with his eyes he followed the twists and turns of the pipes. "Hm, maybe if I," he mumbled to himself. "No, that won't work. It needs something more. Maybe if I used...yes that's it!" He squeaked in excitement.

He got up, and rushed out of the machine. "Sarah, come help me," he called out to his sister.

"Where are you going? We haven't finished our list yet," Sarah called out and threw her hands up in the air in surrender.

Otherworldly Beasts : Finding the Royals (ONC Entry)Where stories live. Discover now