Chapter 10

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Lalapap the Crankiest stood proudly next to Sarah. Their hands joined together. "Your hands are quite moist, my Sarah. Did you forget to dry them after you washed them earlier?" Lalapap the Crankiest asked.

A small blush crept up Sarah's neck and spread to her face.

"Oh my, you are changing colors. You look a bit like Puffer the Inflatable," she added as she regarded Sarah rather closely.

Sarah gave her a small smile. "It's just that I'm rather anxious about Lambis and everything running smoothly. My hands sweat when I'm stressed."

"Oh, I see. Don't worry, little human. You and Lucas did a marvelous job of fixing Lambis." Lalapap the Crankiest squeezed Sarah's hand for reassurance, "and that's high praise coming from me, the crankiest of the lot."

"Thank you, Lalapap."

"No! Thank you, my Sarah. Now, be quiet the show is about to start," Lalapap the Crankiest gave her a wink and turned her attention back to the stage.

At that moment, a whimsical, tall creature with long limbs, flowing white hair, big gray eyes and a beautiful baby pink fur, walked on stage.

"Ahem! Testing, testing. One, two, three. One, two, three. Can you hear me? Marvelous!" She gave a blinding grin to all that were gathered underneath the stage.

"Who's that?" Sarah whispered to Lalapap.

"That's the current Queen. Now, be quiet, I want to watch this."

"Everybeast and all creatures of Otherworldly Land, I would like to welcome you to the Finding Ceremony and thank you for being here. It has been an honor serving you as your Queen for the past five years." A round of applause filled the hall.

We love you!

You were great Teernap!

Teernap grinned wider as she heard the shouts of appreciation from the crowd.

"Thank you! Without further ado let's get this show on the road, everybeast." Cheering erupted in the ceremony hall.

Fireworks started crackling underneath their feet. The previously dull, gray floor was now a feast of colors. Everybeast was jumping up and down with joy and excitement. An extremely long, luxurious buffet of sweets and food circled around the entire hall.

There were chocolate fountains, marshmallows, mini donuts, strawberries, blueberries, popcorn, small sandwiches and many, many more. Such variety of options, Sarah was trying to decide what to try first but couldn't make up her mind. She turned to look for her brother. Lucas saw her and grinned at her, revealing his chocolate covered teeth. Sarah face palmed herself - Lucas would never change.

She made her way next to him, picked up a marshmallow and dipped it in the chocolate fountain. "Mmm, simply yummy!"

"Oy, oy, Sarah! Lucas! Come with me the Queen is about to start up Lambis," Floufli the Amazing shrieked.

Queen Teernap walked on stage, "Gather round everyone. The time has come to see who the next Queen or King will be. Are you ready?"

"Yes!" Everybeast replied in unison.

"Let's find the Royals!" She said and pushed the start button.

Lambis's screen flashed images of all the creatures of Otherworldly Land in high speed one after the other.

The images started to slow down and the grand hall was literally buzzing with enthusiasm. Queen Teernap picked up the microphone. "Are you ready everybeast?"

Otherworldly Beasts : Finding the Royals (ONC Entry)Where stories live. Discover now