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Harry wants this year to be different. He wants to leave his good boy reputation and be someone new. He wants to join a new group because he really doesn't have many friends in the group he's in - they all annoy the fuck out of him - and he wants an adventure.

He's known as the smart kid with the happy smile and the always willing to help personality and while that's true and that's exactly who he is, he's bored. He's bored of the same routines and the same people sitting at his boring lunch table. He never contributes much to their boring conversations though he has a lot to say. He isn't close to these people - he doesn't feel a connection.

He wants the confidence of the jocks and the humor of the class clowns. He wants the individuality of the art students and the smarts of the nerds. He wants the popularity of the student gov kids and he wants the thrill of the bad kids. He just wants something that isn't boring, good boy Harry.

His eyes scan the room and they land on none other than Louis Tomlinson. Now, Louis Tomlinson is the most cliche, beautiful human being to exist. With his perfect soft brown hair, stunning blue eyes, clear tan skin and that to die for smile he has the world swooning. His body is muscular, but he also has curves that are mouthwatering and Harry can probably write a four page essay on his thighs.

Another thing about Louis is his stupid perfect personality. He plays on the soccer team as their lead scorer and he's also in drama club. He's smart, but hides it well to not be considered a nerd and his best friend is the junior class rep so that makes him even more popular. He's funny and charming, but what he pulls off best is his bad boy act.

Louis Tomlinson - despite his personality jumble - plays the part of the bad boy well. He wears that upset look and his jean jacket like he doesn't have a care in the world and he probably doesn't. His cigarettes are always neatly kept in his pocket and his tattoos show on his arms. He's a player and he's also a nice guy.

Basically Louis Tomlinson is a walking headache and he gives the whole world heart problems.

Harry looks away from him and sighs down at his food. Louis owes Harry a favor from last year when Harry got them 100% on their science project. They were supposed to work together but Louis sat on his bed and texted, sometimes throwing out useful information.

Ever since the project Louis' smiled at Harry in the halls, sometimes even stopped to say hi. It's a relief that he does this because it's not as weird when the lunch bell rings that Harry goes up to him. At least Harry doesn't think it's that weird.

"Hey, Louis," Harry says cautiously. He's prepared to be teased by him.

Let's make this clear now; Harry is not bullied. People generally like him, but Louis is practically a god in this school and he could very possibly tease him for just saying hi. Instead of teasing though, Louis smiles.

"Hey, Harry. Did you have a good summer?" Louis asks with a wide smile, his white, pointy, straight teeth on show.

"I did. Mostly worked. How was yours?" Harry asks him and they start to walk down the hall. It isn't awkward - which is what Harry expected - it' comfortable and Louis does that to people. He makes everyone feel comfortable.

"Practically the same. So, what gives me the honor of talking to you this beautiful afternoon? I'm assuming you want something," Louis says with a sly smirk and Harry shrugs.

"I may have something I want," Harry tells him and Louis leans against the row of lockers, his brows raised.

"I'm listening," he tells him and Harry looks down at his feet trying to gather his words.

"I want you to make me a bad boy," Harry blurts and it's quiet in the hall. Not actually, but Louis is silent therefore Harry feels like the world is also.

"A bad boy?" Louis asks in an unsure tone and Harry nods - the fedora on his head moving around.

"Yeah. I need something new," Harry tells him. Louis raises one brow, an amused smirk on his face. He scans Harry from his brown worn boots to his big brown fedora and then chuckles.

"Yeah okay, I'll help you. There are ten easy steps to being a bad boy. We'll start Monday," Louis tells him. The boy then pushes himself off the locker and walks down the hall not looking back. Harry just watches after him and makes note that his change starts next week. The second official week of his junior year.

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