Step six

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Step six: Always have cigarettes on you.

Harry got detention for two weeks, but that's it. He's usually a good student so he didn't get suspended or expelled for his stunt. Louis and him had a good laugh about that.

"Hey, Styles," Louis grins as he slips in to lean on the locker next to his. Harry wonders what Louis'll do when the girl next to him actually is at her locker.

"Hi, Tomlinson?" Harry replies. It comes out as a question and Louis smiles at him, his teeth on full show.

"I have a present for you," Louis tells him. Harry raises his brows and watches as Louis digs his hand deep in his pocket and pulls out a new pack of cigarettes. Harry gives him a confused look, but reaches out to take the pack.

"I don't smoke?" Harry questions and Louis nods.

"I know. Step six: always have cigarettes on you. It makes you look tough? I don't know," Louis shrugs. Harry looks down at the pack and bites his lip.

"So I should start smoking?" Harry questions. Louis' eyes go wide and he grabs the cigarettes from Harry's hand.

"No! If you're actually going to smoke I'm taking them away," Louis tells him. Harry pouts and goes to grab them back, but Louis pulls them away.

"Why does it matter? You smoke," Harry continues to pout. Louis nods his head and keeps the cigarettes far away.

"Exactly. You never want to smoke and that's coming from a smoker. Don't do it," Louis tells him. Harry just looks at him and in one swift movement grabs the pack from him. Louis goes to grab it, but Harry holds it up above his head and Louis glares.

"Funny. Give them back," Louis demands. Harry smirks and shakes the pack teasingly.

"Grab them," he urges. Louis looks up and goes to grab them, but Harry goes on his tiptoes and becomes even taller.

"You're a child," Louis grumbles as he jumps to get them. Harry just steps back and laughs at Louis' failed attempt. Louis just glares and steps on his feet, practically crawling up him to get them. His hands are on Harry's shoulders and his face is so close that Harry can smell his minty breath on his own lips.

"None of that in the hall, Tommo!" Niall laughs and Louis retreats so fast that Harry actually feels rejected. Does Louis not want to be seen close to him?

"Mind your own business," Louis calls back and Niall just smirks.

"Stop manhandling your boy in front of me and I might," Niall says. Harry blushes and Louis just laughs. Harry doesn't even realize his hands have dropped until Louis turns back to him and grabs the pack.

"You'll get them back when you can promise not to actually smoke them," Louis tells him before he gives him a small wave and walks away.


At lunch Harry waits outside the cafeteria doors for Louis. He usually would go sit at his table and just give Louis looks across the room, but today he wants to spend lunch with just him.

His voice is heard loud and clear as he walks down the hall. Eleanor is next to him, making him laugh and Harry looks away. He doesn't know what his relationship with her is, but he knows they're close.

"Hey, Harry," Louis smiles upon seeing him. Harry turns back to them and gives Louis a lopsided grin and moves forward.

"Hey. Do you want to maybe come out for lunch with me?" Harry asks nervously. Eleanor looks between the two and snorts and starts to walk away.

"Have fun! Don't do anything I wouldn't do," she smirks and Louis just glares at her retreating figure. When he turns back to Harry his eyes are soft and happy, a smile gracing his face.

"Are you paying?" he asks as they start to walk down the hall. Harry shoves his hands in his pocket and shrugs.

"I can. Any place you want to go?" Harry asks and Louis looks up at him and grins like a child.


So that's where they go. They each get a junior chicken and share a large fry. Louis throws some at Harry and laughs when they get stuck in his hair and Harry shakes them out like a dog would shake off water.

"Gross. Now your hair fries are in with the regular fries," Louis whines, but there's a small laugh that escapes him at the end and his smile hasn't left his face.

"You have a pretty smile, Lou," Harry blurts and Louis looks up to him in shock and Harry blushes.

"Thank you. So do you, Harold. Your dimples are just so cute," Louis mocks as he leans over the table to pinch his cheeks. Harry slaps his hand away, but can't stop the redness coming to his cheeks.

They leave shortly after and Louis kicks a stone as they walk back to school. The weather is a little nippy and Harry can feel his nose and ears starting to freeze and turn pink.

He can smell smoke and looks over to see Louis smoking away. The way he so casually does it does make him look tough and bad. Harry knows he could never pull that off, but Louis can.

"You promise you won't smoke?" Louis speaks. Harry jumps when Louis looks and catches him watching him. It just makes Louis smirk and he puts the stick back into his mouth.

"Yeah. I have asthma anyways," Harry tells him. Louis laughs again and pulls Harrys pack out of his pocket. It's open now and Harry realizes Louis been smoking out of it.

They arrive back at the school and Louis stomps out his cigarette and then turns to face the curly haired boy. He gives him his usual smile and Harry feels his stomach flip.

"Thanks for lunch. I have to see El, but I'll talk to you later," he promises. Harry nods and yet again wonders what his relationship with Eleanor is. Harry hopes it isn't anything serious because he may have feelings for the blue eyed boy.

Louis is already walking away, but he turns around when he gets to the door. He's still smiling, but his features appear soft now. Almost fond.

"By the way, I meant what I said. I actually think your smile is the prettiest, Harry," Louis tells him. He then enters the school and Harry can't wipe the smile or blush off his face. Louis actually thinks he has a pretty smile.

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