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Harry smiles as he walks back into his school. His winter break was filled with amazing memories of new friends and pretty blue eyes. He never expected the day he'd be able to say he sits with Zayn Malik at lunch and he certainly never expected to be able to say Niall Horan is slowly becoming one of his best friends ever.

His winter break he spent with Louis and all his wildly popular friends. He felt odd, but every group needed the awkward person and Harry fit the roll pretty well. They spent time in the snow and drinking things they shouldn't have and maybe, Louis finally got to be the one with Harry the night of his birthday because Harry is a firm believer that birthday sex is the best present.

Harry should also mention that Louis - yes Louis Tomlinson - is his boyfriend. The winter break he kissed him under the mistletoe and when the clock struck twelve. He kissed him in the dark and he kissed him in the light of his christmas tree. He basically kissed him every opportunity he got because part of him worries Louis will realize he's a loser and then he won't be able to kiss him anymore.

He sighs at the thought and shakes it from his head. His hair is hidden in Louis' red beanie and he's wearing a white sweater that smells like sugar cookies and today just feels like a good day. He opens his locker and leans down to grab his math textbook when someone wraps their arms around him.

"Morning, baby," Louis mumbles into his shoulder. Harry jumps at the sudden contact and smacks his head on the shelf for what feels like the hundredth time. Louis buries his head further in Harry's sweater and tries to stifle his laughter, but Harry can feel his chest move against him.

"You always do that to me," Harry whines. He's rubbing at his head and pouting like a little child. Louis just kisses his beanie clad head and grins at him, his pointy teeth showing.

"Better?" he asks and Harry shrugs and turns back to his locker. He finishes grabbing what he needs and then closes it to see Louis leaning against the lockers waiting for him.

"So, Friday mom wants to know if you'll come to dinner," Louis says.

"I'd love to. Your mom cooks way better than mine," Harry grumbles and Louis laughs with a nod of his head. He intertwines their hands as the walk and Harry smiles at the way some people look at him with jealous eyes. He won Louis' heart.

"Your mom is way more fun though. Remember when she got drunk with us?" Louis laughs and Harry groans and hides his face in Louis' shoulder.

"That was so embarrassing," he whines because his mom asked about their sex life and well, Louis was drunk and just babbled about it... To his mom.

"Sorry, sorry. Are you going to Niall's Sunday? Apparently we need to-"

"Help him make posters for the dance," Harry finishes, smirking at Louis' annoyed expression.

"So you are going," Louis says and Harry nods.

"Do you have a date for the dance? I know someone who'd love to go with you," Louis teases and Harry just chuckles and looks down at him.

"And who'd that be? You see I have my eyes set on someone," he says.

"Sorry, it's not Niall," he replies. Harry just shakes his head because Louis has this assumption that Harry has this little crush on Niall which isn't true because he has Louis and Louis' all he needs.

"Who is it then?" Harry asks. They've stopped outside his classroom and they both just lean against the wall facing each other.

"He's cute."


"No! He's also muscular."

"So Liam."

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