Step seven

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Step seven: Skip class.

Harry's noticed the change. People didn't look at him the same anymore and he thinks it's because he's not the same. His clothes are darker, his smile not plastered on his face, his attitude always changing depending on who he's with and his cigarettes always tucked away in his pocket.

His relationship with Louis also caused the difference. He's late to his first period everyday because of him. Harry's become his personal cigarette carrier and Louis smokes every morning before class and so Harry follows.

"What do you do when it snows?" Harry asks. It's almost the end of October and Harry's fingers are numb from sitting on the bleachers with Louis. Louis just blows out his smoke, mingling it with Harry's breath.

"I come out here and smoke. Do you need mittens?" Louis asks in concern. He reaches down to grab his bag and pulls out a white pair. Harry thankfully grabs them and slips them on his cold, numb fingers.

"Thanks. When do you want to go back in?" Harry asks. He's shivering and he can't wait for the warmth of the school to heat him up.

"Oh about that, we're not going back. Step seven: skip class. You're coming to my house," Louis grins. Harry shakes his head and slowly stands.

"I can't do that. I'll get in so much trouble," Harry rambles. Louis stands too, flicking his cigarette away.

"No you won't. I already called you in sick. Let's go," Louis demands. Harry wishes he could object, but he can't. He follows all of Louis' rules no matter what and they're working. More people are talking to him. Soon, he'll be able to get away from his boring table and start his new school life.

He walks beside Louis like a lost puppy and almost squeals like an excited girl when he sees Louis' car. The car means no walking and warmth.

"Jump in and I'll turn on the heat," Louis tells him. Harry practically rips the door off from how fast he opens it and he jumps into his seat, sighing happily. Louis has the car on and the heat is starting come through.

Louis just drives to his house quietly, still sleepy from waking up early. Harry just silently warms up and wonders what will happen if he gets caught.

Louis' house is empty when they arrive and Harry just stands awkwardly not knowing what to do. His house is big and theres toys everywhere. Wrinkles - Louis' pug - comes trotting out when they enter and sniffs at Harry's shoes.

"Go sit down in the living room. I'll bring some food," Louis tells him. Harry just nods and slowly slips off his shoes and walks to where he remembers the room to be. He finds it and sits on the couch, grabbing the blanket and wrapping himself up while Wrinkles jumps on the couch next to him.

Louis comes in shortly after with hot chocolate and cookies. Harry laughs because it's all really kind of cute and Louis is really kind of cute. He also has a thing with Eleanor Calder which Harry found out recently thanks to Sophia Smith.

"To warm you up," Louis says passing him a mug. Harry takes it and sips at the sweet drink and hums in approval. Louis smiles warmly and sits down next to him and grabs a cookie.

"You want to play Super Smash Bros?" Louis questions and Harry nods his head and continues to drink. By noon the cookies and hot chocolate are done, along with Harry's patience.

"This game is stupid. You're a cheater!" Harry accuses. Louis laughs and shakes his head. He's won every round so far.

"I am not. You're just terrible. You're actually so bad," Louis laughs and Harry shoves him so he falls off the couch. Louis just laughs even more and pulls Harry down so he lands on top of him. They're both laughing and smiling, smelling like cookies and their faces are so close that Harry just wants to kiss him.

He's going to, he's leaning in and then he remembers Eleanor. He can't get rejected by Louis now and have Louis know he wants to kiss him. It'll ruin everything he's worked for in the past two months so he just jumps off of him quickly.

"What's wrong?" Louis asks and his tone sounds hurt and almost disappointed. Harry just bites his lip.

"I need to wee? Where's your washroom?" Harry asks and Louis just gives him a confused look and swallows thickly.

"Down the hall and to your left," he tells him. Harry just nods and runs away. He enters the small washroom and leans his head against the cool wall. He should have just kissed him, but Louis doesn't like him like that and that hurts.

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