Step nine

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Step nine: Get into a fight.

Monday is awkward because everyone knows. They know Harry fucked Becky and they know he left right after it was finished. He left the party and just went home.

Despite that making him seem like a total asshole - in his opinion - girls are still smirking and waving at him. He doesn't even want to be with another girl and why are they doing that to him? He's just Harry Styles.

He gets to his locker and tries to be fast about getting his books. He just wants to hide in a classroom and he shrieks and jumps - hitting his head again - as someone taps his shoulder.

"So you did it," Louis says. His voice sounds distant and Harry rubs his head, but looks at him. Louis looks tired and Harry just wants to hug him and cry.

"Yeah..." Harry says quietly. He feels stupid and now he really has no chance with Louis. Ever. Louis probably thinks he's straight and only wants girls.

"Well I guess that's fun," Louis gives him a smile, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Guess so. What's step nine? We're almost done," Harry says. He expected to be excited to be almost finished his transformation, but part him wants to go back to step one and just spend more time with Louis.

"You're not ready for that yet," Louis tells him. Then he's walking away.


"Louis Tomlinson and Andrew Baker are fighting!" someone shouts. The whole cafeteria is erupting and people are running outside to see what's happening. They're in the parking lot completely killing each other. Harry doesn't know who's covered in more blood, all he knows is that he feels sick.

Andrew is Becky's ex boyfriend. That's all Harry knows about him and he can't even think of a reason he'd be fighting Louis. What happened?

"Enough!" Liam intersects. People whine, but Liam is strong and separates the two boys. Louis spits at Andrew and Andrew lunges at him again, but Liam shoves him back.

"I said enough."

Louis wipes his bleeding mouth with the back of his hand and walks over to the group Harry's in. Harry's going to hug him, but Eleanor is there first. Harry just looks down at his feet.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" Eleanor asks. Her voice is angry and concerned.

"He was saying shit about Harry for fucking Becky and I told him to shut the fuck up. He didn't like that," Louis says with a shrug. Harry looks up at him through his lashes and Louis is watching him with such intensity Harry has to look away again.

"Protective," Zayn chuckles under his breath and the only reason Harry heard it is because Zayn is right next to him.

"That was badass. Fighting is the first step to getting girls," Niall declares. Louis laughs and shakes his head.

"I'd say it's more of a step nine."


Harry got the message. He needs to fight. He hates fighting though and he doesn't even know how to fight. Plus, Eleanor is being an annoying bitch and catering to Louis. That should be Harrys job. He's so upset that when someone bumps into him in the hall he looks up in rage.

"Watch where you're going, fuck face," he growls. Wrong move.

The person that bumped into him is Theo Rodger. The school quarter back. He weighs about three times Harry's weight and could probably squish him with his finger.

"Excuse me?" he bellows. Harry curses under his breath and just shrugs his shoulders.

"Watch where you're going," Harry repeats and Theo laughs. He shoves Harry hard against the locker and Harry groans when the metal slams into his back.

"What are you going to do about it... Fuck face," Theo mocks. Harry just clenches his jaw and moves to walk away. Theo isn't done though and pushes him forward, so he lands on his face.

People are watching now and Harry rolls over. Wrong move again. He gets kicked in the face and fuck that hurts. He groans and then almost cries when someone moves in front of him. Someone familiar and someone who should be suspended.

"Hit him again and I'll have to kill you," Louis seethes. Theo looks him up and down and then shakes his head.

"Whatever, Tomlinson. Keep your mutt on a leash," he mutters before walking away. Louis just turns to Harry and he has an annoyed look on his face. Harry's never seen him look like that.

"Are you okay?" someone speaks up. It's a girl Harry's never seen before and Louis' face changes again. He now looks hurt.

"I'm fine, thanks," Harry tells her. He just wants to talk to Louis and he can't if she's here. She helps him up and smiles at him. She's short, with green eyes and dirty blonde hair. She's pretty, but she's not Louis.

"I'm bringing you to the nurse," she says and now both Louis and Harry object.

"I got him," Louis says quickly and the girl just turns to look at him. She tilts her head and laughs lightly.

"Don't worry. I promise I won't hurt him," she says and then she's leading Harry away.


Her name is Marisa and she's very sweet, but very clingy. She stays with him the whole time and has given him her number. He doesn't know how to tell her he's not interested.

"The principle wants to talk to you, Harry. Is that okay?" nurse Young asks as she walks. Harry nods and jumps off the bed. He just wants away from Marisa and her overpowering perfume.

He walks down the hall and finds his way to the principles office. He's only been in the office once and that was an award for his academics. When he enters the office the air is cold and his principle appears angry.

"Mr. Styles, you've been the cause of some trouble today," Mr. Bleu says. Harry just nods and sits down, trying to appear calm and obedient.

"First, the fight with Tomlinson and Baker - which according to them was about you - and now this. What do you have to say for yourself?" he asks. Harry bites his lip and looks down at his clasped hands.

"I don't think the first one was my fault?" Harry supplies and Mr. Bleu sighs.

"You've been acting up, Harry. I'm afraid I'm going to have to suspend you for three days. This is for; being late to class, skipping class, the bonfire and instigating two fights. Your moms already been called."

Harry just nods and leaves the office. Louis is sitting in one of the chairs and looks at Harry with wide eyes when he comes out. Harry's almost crying and Louis jumps up to pull him into a warm hug.

"What's wrong?" Louis asks in concern. Harry just clings to him and buries his nose in his hair - it smells of coconut.

"I'm suspended for three days. This is fucking stupid," Harry cries and Louis holds him closer.

"I'm sorry. This is my fault. I'm sorry, baby," Louis murmurs.

Harry chooses to ignore the pet name.

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