Step four

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Step four: Always be late.

Harry doesn't have a car. His mom can't afford to get him one and it's far too expensive for him to buy himself one so he just walks. It's the last week of September and Louis' jacket keeps him warm from the upcoming fall weather. He looks like a child with his light pink nose and cheeks, but at least his outfit gives him some edge.

He has his music in and he avoids looking at the people on the street. Normally he'd say hello and smile, maybe even ask them how they're doing, but he's changed. He's bad now or at least he's trying to be.

He arrives at the school and walks up to the front doors prepared to enter the warm building and finally get rid of his goosebumps, but someone grabs his arm.

"Not so fast, Mr. Styles," Louis tuts in his ear. Harry looks over to see Louis' sparkling blue eyes and his mischievous grin.

"What are you doing?" Harry asks lightly and Louis grins from ear to ear like a happy child.

"We're doing step four. Follow me!" Louis cheers. He grabs Harry's hand and pulls him away from the school yet again. Harry stumbles and clings to Louis' hand for support. The boy laughs and continues to pull Harry until they reach the back of the school where the bleachers are.

"And we're here because..?" Harry asks in confusion and Louis raises his brows at him.

"You're getting cheeky. Anyways, we're here so I can smoke and you can keep me company," Louis tells him. Harry just nods and follows along. They sit on the first line of bleachers and Louis leans back and places a cigarette in his mouth.

"How are you?" Louis asks. He lights the tip in on swift motion and inhales in the next. Harry watches curiously, but the smell makes him cough.

"I'm alright, tired. You?" Harry asks. Louis is sucking on the cancer stick again and then blowing the smoke up at the blue sky.

"I could say the same. I was wondering if you wanted to come over Friday? No steps, just us hanging out," Louis asks. Harry looks over at Louis' calm figure, the way he breathes so evenly and the way the smoke falls beautifully from his parted pink lips.

"Sure," Harry agrees. Louis looks over at him, his eyes telling stories and his mouth quirked up in a way only Louis can pull off.

"Good. I'll see if my mom will let me take the car," Louis tells him. The school bell rings and Harry moves to stand up, but Louis' arm reaches out to stop him.

"No, no. Step four: always be late. Sit," Louis demands. Harry does as told and Louis just finishes his cigarette before tossing it on the concrete path under them and stepping on it.

"Are you allergic to dogs?" Louis asks and Harry shakes his head.

"Okay. I have a dog and I wouldn't want to kill you or anything," Louis explains and Harry chuckles and leans back, trying to relax.

"And here I thought you're sole mission in life was to kill me," Harry tries to joke and Louis rolls his eyes. It's not in a mean way, but in a rather friendly, teasing way.

"You're not that important, Harold. What class do you have?" Louis asks and Harry scrunches up his face in thought.

"Geography. Worst class," Harry complains and Louis laughs and nods his head.

"It's bad. I'm not a big fan of Math," Louis tells him and Harry just hums.

"I also hate gym," Harry says and Louis gasps.

"How can you hate gym?" he asks in shock and Harry just shrugs and looks out on to the big field where Louis plays soccer.

"I hate working out in front of people. It's a private thing for me," Harry tells him. Louis stays quiet for a moment and then Harry can catch him nodding his head ever so slightly.

"I can understand that. You want to go inside? My fingers are cold," Louis suggests. Harry just stands to his feet and Louis walks next to him. Louis hip bumps him and Harry laughs as he does the same. He's starting to develop a weird little friendship with Louis Tomlinson and he never saw that coming.

They arrive at Harry's locker and Harry twists his lock until it opens with a small click. Louis just leans on the lockers next to him and watches as Harry grabs his books.

"How late am I?" Harry asks and Louis pulls out his phone and checks the time.

"20 minutes. You're doing good on time," Louis tells him. Harry just closes his locker and walks down the hall with Louis by his side. It's nice to have someone with him and Louis is such an easy person to get along with. They arrive at his class and Harry turns to look at him.

"This is my stop," he murmurs and Louis gets on his tiptoes and starts to fix his headscarf. His tiny fingers easily make it look perfect and put together. His touch is gentle and Harry can still feel it even when he pulls away.

"Sorry. It's been annoying me. Later, sweet cheeks," Louis says. He pats Harry's cheek as he walks away and Harry stands outside, trying to get rid of the color on his cheeks. It's useless though because when he walks in the class everyone looks at him.

"Nice of you to join us, Harry. Take your seat," Mrs. Benjamin says. Harry blushes even worse and sits at the open desk in the back.

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