Step one

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Step 1: Change the way you dress.

Harry walks into school Monday morning with a skip in his step. He's beyond excited to start his transformation from a good boy no one to a bad boy someone. He will no longer have to sit with the wallflowers and invisibles. That is, if Louis really does help him.

He gets to his locker and slowly turns the dial on his lock. It takes a minute before he pops it open and swings open his full length locker, books scattered all along the bottom. He mentally goes through his list of classes and realizes with a groan that he has geography first class. He bends over and quickly digs through his piles of paper and text books to find his Geo notebook.

"What're you looking for?" a voice comes out of nowhere and Harry jumps, hitting his head on the top ledge of his locker. Louis is watching him, his lips squished together so he doesn't laugh at what just happened.

"My geo notebook," Harry mumbles. "Ow," he then whines and Louis lets out a chuckle.

"Your lockers already messy? That has to be a record," Louis says casually, glancing into the mess Harry further made. Harry looks back in and grabs the notebook, holding it to his chest.

"So, when do we start?" he asks eagerly as he turns back to face the other boy. Louis tilts his head and examines Harry from head to toe.

"Step one: change the way you dress. No cute sweaters," Louis tells him. His fingers move forward to pull on the soft fabric and he makes a face at it and then looks back at Harry fully.

"And no fedoras. Who even told you that was cool?" Louis asks in disbelief. He grabs the hat quickly before Harry can object and Harry squeaks. His hair is an absolute mess this morning and Louis seems to notice that right away. He gives Harry his hat back and Harry is quick to place it back on his head.

"Okay, we'll start after school. We're going through your wardrobe and then we have to go shopping. I'll meet you here after school," Louis tells him. Harry nods because he really doesn't know what to say. He shuts his locker and locks it and Louis still stays there watching him.

"Don't you have to get ready for class?" Harry wonders curiously and Louis just lets out a breathy laugh and pushes himself away from the lockers.

"I'll see you at the end of the day," he tells him again. His eyes graze over Harry one more time and he smirks in an all knowing way before he turns and walks down the hall.


The final bell rings and Harry drags himself from his seat and into the busy hall. He's tired and in desperate need of a coffee and a muffin. A yawn escapes him and he squints his eyes as he continues down the loud hallway.

He reaches his locker and is surprised to see Louis already standing by it, texting on his shiny iPhone. He looks up briefly when Harry comes over, but he doesn't say a word.

"Do you have a car?" Harry asks because he doesn't. His mom will not let him get a car and he really can't blame her. He'd probably kill someone.

"I do today. You done?" Louis asks impatiently and he slips his phone in his jacket pocket. It's a black Leather jacket today - not his classic jean one.

"Just have to grab my English book. What's the hurry?" Harry asks. He shuts his locker again and quickly locks it back up. He slides his books into his bag and then hoists it over his shoulder as Louis just watches him with bored eyes.

"I just hate being in this school for so long. You ready for your makeover?" Louis changes subjects and Harry is walking next to him grinning. He smiles at the people he knows in the hallway and says hi to almost everyone.

"We'll work on that later," Louis mutters under his breath and Harry furrows his brows. Work on what?

Louis leads them to a red SUV and he knows it's probably his moms car. They both get in and Harry sits awkwardly as Louis starts it up and pulls out of the crowded parking lot. The popular music station is playing and Harry listens as all the overplayed songs continue to be overplayed.

"You live on Trinton still?" Louis asks. Harry's going to question how he knows that and then he remembers the project from last year. Right.

"Yeah. 39," Harry tells him softly. Louis drives down the many streets that lead to Harry's and then they're parked outside his small white house. His lawn is freshly mown and his moms garden is full of bright colors.

He now walks in front and he pulls out his keys to unlock his front door. No one is home at this time and he kicks off his shoes and walks into the kitchen.

"You hungry?" he calls out. He opens his fridge and pulls out a water bottle and some strawberries his moms washed.

"Starved. Can I have a water?" Louis asks and Harry nods as he places another berry in his mouth. They taste sweet on his tongue and he closes his eyes to enjoy the taste even more.

"So, we eat and then we clean your closet," Louis tells him. Harry peaks one eye open to look at the other boy and Louis' already looking at him.

"Fine. We're not throwing out everything though because I like to wear my sweaters at home," Harry tells him firmly.

"Yeah, okay, bad boy," Louis teases him. Harry just grins, his dimples coming out and eats another strawberry. Louis just pulls out his phone and laughs at the message he's received. Harry just eats the last strawberry and places the bowl in the sink.

"Ready?" he asks and Louis looks up, his eyes crinkled and his face glowing.

"Always. C'mon," he grins. He leads Harry up to his room and when they enter he falters. Harry just moves past him and opens his closet. He looks over at Louis and then steps aside.

Louis walks over and starts to go through his clothes. He pulls out sweaters and weird shirts that Harry has bought over the years. He laughs a few times and questions Harry with a raise of his brows and an 'Are you serious?' look.

"And you have a knitted pink sweater, why?" Louis asks and Harry snatches it from his small hands. The sweater is soft and a pale pink and it's big and comfy.

"This is my favorite! My sister got it for me," Harry tells him.

"Was it too big for her? That's a girl sweater," Louis tells him and Harry frowns and shakes his head.

"Boys wear pink, Louis Tomlinson," Harry tells him defensively. Louis just raises his hands in defeat and sighs.

"Okay. No knitted sweaters and no weird button ups. Your plaid shirts and hoodies are okay, your plain shirts are better and your pants are fine. Do you have a jacket or something?" Louis asks. He has all of Harry's "good clothes" hung up and all his sweaters are stuffed in the back like unwanted trash.

"No. Shop for that later?" Harry suggests and Louis purses his lips.

"Just take my jacket. They're expensive and I have a lot of them," Louis says as he slips off his leather jacket and passes it to Harry. It's heavy and Harry slips it on cautiously. It feels weird and he moves to examine himself in the mirror. He looks stupid in it and Louis snorts.

"Take off the damn hat," he mumbles. He reaches up and pulls it from Harry's head, placing it on his own. He looks at himself in the mirror and makes a silly face.

"I look so much better in this," Louis comments and Harry laughs as Louis continues to check himself out.

"You look good in the jacket too. It's hot," Louis remarks and it's said in such a casual tone that Harry can't even pretend the perfect Louis Tomlinson is hitting on him.

"Yeah? I don't look stupid?" Harry worries. He turns to face him and bites his lip in worry.

"You always look stupid. We'll still shop later this week too. Wear something casual tomorrow okay? Don't over do it yet," Louis instructs. Harry nods and Louis nods back.

"I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow," Louis tells him. Harry nods and walks him to the door. Harry waves as the boy gets in his car and drives away. He smiles down at the warm jacket and notices it smells sweet.

He grins the whole way back to his room and only then notices Louis still has his fedora.

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