Chapter 3

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"I want to tell you the truth but I am scared

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"I want to tell you the truth but I am scared. I'm scared you won't look at me the same. I'm scared you will leave" ~ Unknown

Listen to: "Home" by The Chase

 When I woke up the girls were still asleep, I took the time to shower. When I was done, I got changed into a short off the shoulder, floral romper, and my white Toms. After I got dressed, Amberly started crying. I fed and changed her before Aria woke up, I did the same with her and then did my makeup with an orange eyeshadow to make my blue eyes stand out. Next, I did my hair in space bus on the top of my head pulling strands out and around my face to make it look messier. I picked the twins up and brought them down to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Hey, sweetie. Good morning, we need to talk," my mom greeted me when I walked downstairs.

"Can it wait until I get home from school? I still have too feed Amberly and Aria, and make myself breakfast," I explained.

"Yes, but you should know it's about the twins and who the father is," my heart stopped, I hated talking about this.

"Ok, we can talk while I make their food,"

"No, it's better we wait, you should be sitting down for this," and with that, I knew something else was implied.

"Ok," she walked into the living room as I sat down to feed the twins.

I put the girls in their cribs and said bye to my mom as I left to walk to school. When I was about 10 minutes away from school, I heard a car honking,

"Hey hottie, want a ride?" I heard someone yell from their car.

"Fuck off!" I yelled as I turned and flipped the guy off and kept walking, that's when the car sped up and stopped a little bit in front of me, the driver side door opened, and Percy came out.

"Remind me not to mess with you," he chuckled, and asked, "but seriously want a ride?"

"I'm sorry, I just hate being catcalled and no thank you, I like walking," I insisted as I kept walking.

"Well, I'll walk with you, if that's ok?"

"It's a public footpath, but you have your car,"

"Footpath?" he questioned

"A walkway, a sidewalk, what do American people call it?" I asked as I stopped walking.

"A sidewalk, why did you stop walking?"

"Your car," I reminded

"Drive with me today and on Monday we can meet and walk together," he challenged, "I mean its hot and walking will make you sweaty and gross, so just let me give you a ride," he insisted.

"If I say yes will you stop talking?" I interrupted.

He chuckled and nodded, as we walked to his car, he opened the passenger side door for me as I got in.

"Chivalry at it's finest," I joked as he closed it behind me.

"Really?" he asked as he got in on his side of the car.

"Yes, and your car is backward," I exclaimed

"What do you mean it's backward?" he asked, confused "my car is normal,"

"In Australia, the wheel is supposed to be here, and we drive on that side of the road," I explained,

"Australian cars are weird, why don't you just drive on the same side as everywhere else?" he asked.

"I actually don't know why we drive on a different side, but it feels weird to be sitting here and not driving," I answered as he chuckled.

When we got to school, we walked in together and I noticed everyone staring at us, Percy started laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"You'll figure it out," he pointed out as he walked to his locker, I just wanted to get out of here, I hated being stared at. I walked to my locker beside Percy's.

"What do you mean, I'll figure it out?" I asked trying to open my locker,

"Need help?" he ignored my question, I backed up as he opened my locker for me.

"You're confusing me, what is everyone staring at and why were you laughing?" I asked again.

"Long story short, I never drive people to school, the last time I did well, it wasn't just some girl, it was my girlfriend, and people noticed that I drove you, they probably think we are dating," he explained.

"Well, that's the last time I let you drive me to school,"

"You're right, we are walking together starting Monday," Percy corrected closing his locker and heading to his class, I think he forgot I still don't know how to get to my class, but instead of running after him, I found someone in the hall to help me.

"Hey, Marianna, right?" I asked the familiar blonde,

"Hi, yes, you're Emery?"

"Yes, I was just wondering you could help me find this class, I don't remember where it is, "I explained.

"Yes, it's just over there, isn't Percy supposed to help you?" she asked, I noticed something change in her tone when she mentioned Percy.

"Well, yes but he ran off somewhere so instead of getting lost I decided I would ask someone,"

"Ok, so you've been to this school four, five days and you are already dating the most popular guy in school?" she asked, "just be careful with him,"

"Oh no, we are not dating, he just has to show me around," I explained, "what do you mean be careful?" I questioned.

"But he drove you to school, he never does that with just anyone, just forget the last part if you are not actually dating him,"

"He saw me walking and he offered me a ride, we are not dating, he isn't my type,"

"You keep telling yourself that," she said walking away.

Well, this is one way to keep to myself, having a rumour spread my first week of school, great.


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