Chapter 10

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Authors note: Sorry for the short chapter but I am trying to get to a certain chapter that is already written, there are just a few more to go until the most exciting one comes.

Authors note: Sorry for the short chapter but I am trying to get to a certain chapter that is already written, there are just a few more to go until the most exciting one comes

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"there is a certain happiness in being silly and ridiculous" ~ Unknown

Listen to: "Crush Culture" by Conan Gray

"Emery!" Percy yelled over Aria's crying from the back seat of the car, "Help me, I have never done this before. I don't know-how,"

"Fine, move." I jumped out of the front seat and to the back of the car to see Aria kicked Percy, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Thank you," he huffed, "that was the most stressful thing I have ever done in my life,"

"You are so dramatic, it's pee, from a baby, I thought you said you loved babies,"

"I do, just I prefer them clothed and not soiled," he joked, "also can they walk yet? Because you didn't bring a stroller,"

"Yes, they can walk they are 14 months old, they need their handheld but I'm sure you could handle that. Right?"

"That, I can handle," he assured me, "can we go yet?"

"If you are so bored you can still change her, the offer still stands,"

"I'm good, just hurry, also were did Marianna go?" he asked looking around the car.

"She wants to the corner store over there to grab a pack of gum,"

"Oh, I'll go help," he blurted.

"Wow, so leave me alone with children to get murdered,"

"and you called me dramatic," he joked walking away to the store. He was right, I was being dramatic.

When I was done changing the twins, Marianna and Percy were still not back, I took the twins by the hand and walked over to the store to see what was taking so long.

When I entered the store, I walked to the back of the store and heard Mars and Percy talking,

"Percy, I already told I can't, it's not my business," Marianna whispered.

"You know that's bull, I can see she is hiding something, you were not with her when she had that panic attack," Percy said back.

"Hey, what is taking you guys so long?" I asked interrupting them, knowing they are talking about me.

"Oh uh, nothing, she can't decide what gum to buy,"

"Well, the girls are changed," I said looking Aria and Amberly who were both holding my hand.

"Mamma," Aria yelled. My eyes shot over and down to her.

"Who did she just call you 'mamma'," Percy asked, "and was that her first word?"

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