Chapter 20 ~ Percy

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"don't wait, the time will never be just right

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"don't wait, the time will never be just right." ~ Napolean Hill

Listen to: "Never Not" by Lauv

I love Emery, but her not telling me that the twins were hers makes me angry, but not at her. I am angry at the pathetic excuse of a man who raped her, at her 'friends' that left her without knowing the whole truth, I am angry at the people who she called family for disowning her, and I am most angry at myself for not realizing the twins were hers. The number of times they called her mom, how she 'babysat' all the time, how they didn't cry for her when they needed to be changed, how much they looked like her.

The night emery told me, I walked away from her, as soon as I turned, I regretted it, I wanted to turn back around and hug her, but my ego was too big. On new years she called me, but I ignored her, she texted me several times asking if we could talk and I ignored her. I felt embarrassed to see her after being an ass to her that day. That I haven't met with her to walk to school, I haven't been to my locker, I've been putting my stuff in Zach's or Logan's locker to avoid seeing her. I do miss not seeing her shy smile as I open her locker for her.

I want more than anything to forgive her, to go hug her and tell her I love her, but it's too late, I fucked everything up by not staying with her Christmas night.

As the days went on, I saw her in the halls, but couldn't look at her, I was skipping our class together. I missed her, I missed her so damn much. I don't know if she will ever forgive me for leaving.



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