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I felt like a prisoner walking through the gates of the NSL headquarters. Heroes were everywhere and they were watching our every move. Three potentially armed, potentially dangerous, strangers just walked into their base dressed in black and carrying suspicious looking backpacks. One of them was probably just waiting for us to explode or open fire for some reason.

No villain would do that of course. Not even a group of the most powerful villains would dare attack the NSL headquarters. Hundreds, if not thousands, of heroes would be swooping in within seconds along with their automated defense systems. I hope Heather has a plan to get us out of here if things go south. A handful of gadgets and a good trigger finger will only get us so far. We stopped at the giant glass doors leading to what must have been their "lobby". The entire building looked like it was made out of gold in the sunlight, complete with 10 stories in the main building and at least three others spanning the length of the base.

The doors slowly opened for us and we stepped into the lobby. Is it fair to say that it was magical? The carpets were made out of velvet, complete with golden accents. A huge teleportation device stood in the center of the room and past that there was a massive elevator that was shining like a beacon in the base. Heroes were flowing in and out non stop, some teleporting away, others coming down from the elevator. There were hatches in the high ceilings that let flying heroes come and go with ease. I've seen a fair amount of heroes in my days as a thief, but I have never seen anything like this. The organization, the pride each of them carry. Am I allowed to say that I want something like this? To be apart of something like this?

"Can I help you?" a girl said, floating down from above and setting down right in front of us.

"What floor is the conference chamber on?" Andrew asked before Heather could open her mouth.

"That's classified information. I suggest you three state your business or leave, you don't belong her," the hero snapped. She was a pretty thing, stark white eyes, blinding silver hair, her costume even seemed to match the aesthetic. I couldn't quite pinpoint what her powers are, her outfit didn't do much to help and neither did her appearance. She was decked out in a full suit of titanium armor, the getup made her look like a marshmallow to be quite honest. Heather was going to speak but Andrew cut her off again.

"We have classified business. Which way to the conference room?" he said with a small smirk. The hero clearly didn't like his response. I could feel the ground rumble a little beneath us.

"They're clear to proceed, Gravity Girl," a woman said as she flew in from the elevator. She was glowing with neon light as if she were radioactive. I doubt she even needs super powers, if you take one look at her you die from a seizure! The constant changing colors of her hair and eyes where enough to make me nauseous.

"If they are who I think they are, we should lock them up here and now," Gravity Girl growled back at the woman. I saw Andrew tense up a little out of the corner of my eye. Heather was still oddly calm however.

"We have an arrangement with these people, and we will honor our end of the bargain. Go back to your duties," the woman said dismissively. Gravity Girl flew off in a huff and the woman looked to the three of us, "my apologies. I am Glow Woman. If you'll follow me to the conference room."

We followed Glow Woman to the elevator and rode up silently. Of course the conference room we were going to was at the top of the massive building. Heather was fiddling with something in her hand, something to protect us if things go wrong maybe? Andrew just flat out looked uncomfortable. It's understandable all things considered, but he could do a better job of hiding it. I just hope nobody can read minds, that would really mess up this entire operation.

"Right through there," Glow Woman finally spoke when the elevator reached the top floor. She pointed at a large set of doors straight down the hall. Andrew lead the way and I followed. Heather brought up the rear with Glow Woman behind her, I'm sure she was only following to make sure we didn't sneak off to somewhere we shouldn't be.

Only one man was in the room. Birdman. Suddenly everything started to make sense. Gravity Girl, Glow Woman, and Birdman were all there in Jamaica. Whether or not they've recognized us yet is beyond me, so let's pray.

"Three agents of the Shadow Broker, sent to deliver lost artifacts," he scoffed, "I can't believe I'm resorting to black market deals now."

Heather took the rods out of her bag and set them down on the table between us and the founding hero. One of the founding heroes at least. There are three others, not counting the missing Power Woman.

"You know the price," Heather said with a sly smile.

"I do," Birdman replied, there was a slight hesitation in his voice.

"But you know that there are other pieces out there," Heather chuckled, pushing the rods closer to him, "it's in the Shadow Broker's best interest to secure these artifacts before someone else does. That's why they sent us."

"We heroes tend to refrain from working with criminals."

"We already know where the third artifact is. Do you know where the third artifact is?"

Birdman thought for a long moment. I could even feel Glow Woman's thoughts weighing in on the decision they were about to make.

"You need us," I said quietly. Birdman finally seemed to give in and turned away from the window he was intently staring at to face us.

"I will accept the Shadow Broker's terms. And on my honor, we will uphold our end of the bargain."

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