🔥Something is burning in here! And it's not Grillby or Fuku🔥

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Z:SO!...i remembered my quotev password...turns out i wrote it in my notes...go to gi bye! Oh and enjoy the story!



Palette P.O.V

'Wow! that was quite the practice we had, i hope Y/N doesn't mind me being gone for a bit'{Lily:gone for a bit?GONE FOR A BIT!? YOU WERE GONE FOR MORE THEN A WHOLE FREAKING HOUR!} 'gee,no need to be so mad about it' {Lily:WHY YOU!!}(Z:*holding onto lily,making sure she doesn't murder palette* carry one with the story dear reader,i'll handle this) 'Kay' 

I was walking to gymnastic when i bump into someone, the impact was enough for me to fall to the the ground and land on bottom

 {Lily:*Giggles*Bottom} (Z:LILY!!){lily:fine} 

"Watch where your going shorty" i heard someone say harshly at me, i look up and saw no one other then Horror{Lily:you know the drill, pick above} the top person on my 'people that i hate' list, okay maybe not top,that belongs to edge but still! "sorry" i apologized to him before getting up and running to gymnastic 

when i got there i saw Y/N and Fresh sitting on one of the bleachers chatting, but for some unknown reason i felt something inside of me when i saw the later making Y/N  laugh, something...negative

i didn't like

not one bit

when i didn't even realize how long have I've been staring at them until the school bell rang, signaling that the class has started, i saw Y/N notice me from the bleachers, she smiled at me warmly making my soul flutter with happiness that she notice me 

i walked over to them with smiling like an idiot, i mean it, i must look like an idiot "hey Y/N!" i greeted happily, i saw she was about to answer but was cut off by the teacher shouting 

"okay class! My name is Mr Cross for those who don't know me yet! And also I heard there was going to be a new student today! Please step forward whoever you are!" I saw Y/N release a sigh before stepping forward, everyone's eyes were on her as she spoke 

"Hello everyone, my name is Y/N! And it is nice to meet you all! I hope we can all be good friends" she introduce herself before giving us a warm smile,I felt my insides flutter with how warm of smile was(Z:disgusting to be honest,That was WAY too cheesy for me){Lily:Nah! Your just bitter that until now your still single! Z! You have a lot of boys who want you online! So why not just pick one of them?!}(Z:Because I don't know them personally! Now let's continue on with the story){Lily:Alrighty then miss black coffee}(Z:On with the story)

I saw the teachers Cheeks lightly turn into purple 'is he blushing?' I thought to myself before shrugging it off as a illusion "alright class! Today I will be giving you all free time until tomorrow! since its the just start of the semester! Also because Z is too lazy to write anything else" he explained, we all look at him confusingly but didn't question it 

I didn't exactly know what to do so I just decided to talk to Y/N and fresh for a while since it was just free time,When I was making my way to Fresh and Y/N I saw Mr Cross walking out of the gym


Me,Palette and Fresh were just talking about what happened while he wasn't there when Bunny and her goons walked over to us, but while they were walking I notice Mia looked nervous, I wonder why? 

"Hah! Look at you! You look like a stray cat from the streets!" Bunny insulted while Mia looks even more nervous while looking down "Bunny please, don't make anything worse, it's bad enough we were given a warning of being expelled" Mia tried convincing Bunny 

Key word:TRIED

Bunny just look at her disgusted before saying "Don't tell me what to do! Your lucky I even hang out with you and your Demonic sister over here! Or else you two would have been stray outcasts students of this school!" And that was the last straw! How dare she talk so bad about the girls who had been her side despite her horrible attitude! "Look her Bunny! You do not speak of them that way!" I Yelled at her anger lacing my words, she just look at even more disgusted

"I can speak any way I want! So why don't you put on some make up so that ugly face of yours would a little pretty!" She insulted thinking I wouldn't have a come back 

oh how she was wrong 

SO wrong 

"me? Put on make up?" I started as I see a crowd forming around us "Oh please! I wouldn't even want to think of it! I would NEVER want to be like you! You put so much make up on that you'd put a clown to shame!" I exclaimed "OH~! GET BURNED BITCH!" I heard a White haired male shout, though I did not like his foul words, I did appreciate the fact the he wasn't saying it too me, well yelling it to me 

"I wouldn't be surprise if your own reflection left you! You probably tortured it with your endless time trying to put make on in front of a mirror!" I spoke again hearing the crowd cheer for me,I saw bunny burst into tears and started running making me snap out of my Angered State "Wait! I'm sorry! I didn't mean too!" I scream as I run after her 

"Y/N wait!" I heard my two skeleton friends shout at me, but I was too worried that I may of hurt Bunny's feeling too much to turn back, Running towards the last place I saw her running off too

The stairs 

As I was running I come to a stop at one of the empty classroom when I heard crying coming from the inside, I carefully open the door to find Bunny on the far Corner crying, I quietly walked over to her and gave her a warm embrace 

she tense for a bit before hugging back crying softly as I begun humming a song my mother use to sing to me when I was sad, then I begun singing 

'Please don't cry, my darling 

for I am here, for you 

you keep on trying,even though your crying, your not a fool, don't worry I'm here for you 

just close your eyes and fall as sleep, as I sing my melodies, You don't have to be so scared anymore 

for I'll be here forevermore' 

I feel her relax in my embrace as I continue on singing 

'Dry your tears up, my darling 

for the sun my rise again 

you are scared and all alone,And you don't know where to go but don't worry, Darling I'm here for you 

just close your eyes and fall as sleep, as I sing my melodies, You don't have to be so scared anymore 

for I'll be here forevermore' 

I finish singing as I realize Bunny had fallen asleep on my embrace, I sigh remembering all the memories me and my mom use to have 

'I Really miss you mom,Wherever you are'  



Hello there guys, I hope you like this chapter I made for you guys, I know it's really late but I was just so busy with my life that I forget to write a chapter and I hope you guys forgive me, and before you guys asked yes I wrote that song, I sing it to my siblings sometimes, it's called 'Darling' I wrote it when I was 10 years old when my little sister Roxanne was born, it's a little gift for her I wanted to give, tell in the comments if you want me to post the full song of sang it and then post it, that's all my readers. 


1363 words and 3.6 pages

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