Death threats-I mean Death glares

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SO!!...this is the deal
A LOT of things happened after the parents thing and when Y/N got to school


Y/N had to go back to school...with her have no idea how awkward it was when they were sitting together inside the limo buuuuut-it was worth since when they both arrived palette and fresh were waiting for them...waiting for Y/N i mean

Anyways Y/N got outside her limo with Ethel trailing behind her to which confuse the two skeleton "Palette!! Fresh!!" Y/N waved at her friends who waved back with the look of confusion, when Y/N got closer to her friends palette did not wait a second before he asked you the question "Hey Y\N who's that guy behind you?" Palette gestured to Ethel behind you "Huh? oh! you mean Ethel! hes the new student...and my new fiancee" you explained while suddenly finding the ground interesting "oh the new student...HE'S YOUR WHAT!?!" palette and fresh said in unison

Both Y/N and Ethel felt as if they were about to pass out and only wished that this day couldn't get any worst

"uh...surprise?" Y/N said awkwardly, silently wishing she was anywhere else but there at the moment. Palette release a sigh not knowing whats going on and hopefully prying in his mind-along with Fresh- that Y/N didn't actually liked this guys

and it seems that the odds were in he and Fresh's favor

since after that Y/N explained what was going on as fast and as understandable as she can, and even though the skeleton boys were a bit disappointed that Y/N had to marry this boyo they were happy that you didn't actually liked this hobo-I mean Boyo

After that awkward moment Ethel introduced himself to the two boys that may or may not have been planning a plot to get rid of him out of Y/N's life-did I say planning a plot to get rid of him out of Y/N's life? Eeehhh!? No I meant that THEY may or may not be secretly glaring at him...yeah.. that...totally that

Anyways back to the story

After that Y/N and the three musketeers-I mean the three boys walked there way to art class

*Time skip for like 1 minute*

Still Z P.O.V

Art class was an interesting part of the day...and by interesting I mean totally normal

Well, as normal as THIS school can get

When they arrived at art class they realized there early so since no one else was there both Palette and Fresh as well as Y/N to the same place they sat yesterday while Ethel had absolutely no idea what to do

"hey Ethel" Y/N out to the confuse purple eyed boy "huh?" Ethel asked slightly tilting his head to the side in confusion, Y/N gave him a smile "aren't you going to sit?" You questioned Ethel while the two other boys are eating with jealousy, I swear they have so much more jelly then the PB&J sandwich that Reader packed for her lunch

Anyways Ethel seriously had no idea where to sit since he only knew Y/N and the fact that he has to sit with a stranger is eating his soul

That is until he heard a familiar voice call out to him

"Ethel!!" said ravennete looked to his side to see his childhood bestfriend

Mia Shards


Ethel was tackled into hug by the golden eyed girl who looked as if she has won the lottery from how she was smiling more then jeff the killer

"its very nice to see you!!" Mia exclaimed to which Ethel only chuckled at "well i really had no choice BUT to attend school" Mia gave Ethel a close eyed smiled, the Sūgaku teen blushed at her cute smiling face before giving her a small but warm smile

𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓞𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼(NaJ Sanses x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum