{A weird Dream

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Y/N's P.O.V

 once me and Ethel arrived at the manor-Mrs.Z had to finish some papers and Enkie wanted to wait until shes finish so that they could go home togethor, we were givin a surprise by Ethel falling to the floor due to getting tackled by mwempa who was exited to find out what happened at school-TOO Excited-and for SOME reason I was able to slip my self away and into my room without getting notice 

Dont question how, I just somehow did it 

Once I made to my room I went strait to my closet to get normal clothes before heading to the bathroom and taking a short shower 

After taking a nice cold shower(Z:Dont quetion why a cold one, I just like my showers that why since I live in the Philipines and the wearther here is mostly hot) I quikly got dress after drying my hair, then after that I plop myself onto my bed and went to get a nice short nap before dinner 

*Dream*(Z:A Dream is a wish your heart makes, whatever you wish for- 



I saw two kids run around a beutiful garden with big joyful smiles on there faces, they look so happy together, one girl and one boy 

the girl looked a lot like Alter with the Dark Blue Hair and Light Silver Eyes, The looked a lot like the other to which made me assume that the boy was Alter just a younger version of him 

the girl was wearing a sleevless dress with a silver skirt and a half silver star in front of her hair while the boy was an outfit similar to Ethel except that the tie was Dark Blue, the vest was colored Black and the pant were a silver colored, there was also the other half of the silver star pinned at his tie

the two stopped running before sitting on the green grass of the garden, soon after the girl started to make flower crowns by using Blue and white flowers while the boy watched her with the same smile of happiness still on his face 

"Hey Alt" the girl called, her voice was soft and kindness was clear in her voice and seems that 'Alt' was her nickname for the boy "Yes Azt?" the boy answered with his own nickname for the girl 'Azt' "Do you...think that one day, we might separated?" the girl asked, worry in her voice, the boy looked at her in confusion before giving her a earm smile and taking both her hands in his "No, I dont think so, and even if one someone or something dose separate us, I will always find you, no matter what,I will always find you, Always" the boy assured his twin, the smile never leaving hos face 

the girl replied with a smile before placeing an already finished flower crown on the others head with a giggle 

then suddenly everything faded to black before going back to the garden, except that garden looked broken, like someone distroyed from anger, the twins were also there except that the girl was crying while the other tried comforting her as screams and yells were exchange in the distance from who I can only asume where their parents 

then suddenly a woman with Blond hair and Blue hair ran over to them before snatching the twin girl's wrist and dragging her away,forcing her to let go of her brother who despretly reached for his twin sister with tears streaming down his face as a man ran over to them trying to convince the woman to let go of the crying girl in her hand 

the woman then ran away while dragging the poor girl leaving the boy to fall down to his knees while crying with the male hugging him as some sort of comfort while also crying 

I gasp at the sight before feeling something wet fall down my cheeks, I was crying 

it was like it was...real, and that confused me 

Who was that girl? Was the boy alter? If so, was that his past? Was I suppose to see all of that?

Everything once again faded to black, but this time I was waking up 

*Dreams End* 

I was awoken up by someone shaking me while they asked if I was okay 

I looked at them as my once blurry vision slowly returend to normal only to realize that it was Anteia who was looking at me with worry 

"are you alright M'lady?" she asked with worry "I'm fine" I answered with a small smile to which Anteia returned with a look of relife before standing up reaching out her hand for me to take "Come on, your father told me to fetch you for dinner" she explained, I look at her confuse before glancing at my clock, only to notice that the it was indead time for dinner, I give her a nod before taking her hand and standing up letting her hand go and walking to the dining room with Anteia trailing behind me with the same questions in my head that followed me to dinner 

'Who was that girl? Was the boy alter? If so, was that his past? Was I suppose to see all of that?' 

The question stuck to me until I had to go to sleep, I didnt have anymore dreams that night

𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓞𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼(NaJ Sanses x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now