Her love Ending:4

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Y/N Took Fresh's hand while the others looked hurt and slightly shock though they did nothing to stop them as they walked to the middle of the dance floor

then the music started

they started to dance in harmony with small smiles stretch into there faces as others started dancing around them and some just stared in amusement or anger(Z: in other words it was edge)

Fresh felt happiness inside him as they both glide happily at the dance floor

now you're probably wondering

how is this going to work out when Y/N has a fiancee? well, you see the marriage has been canceled, how? I'll explain


Ethel was standing in front of his mother's study, nervously not really knowing if what he decided to do was the right thing to do, the young teen release a sigh before knocking hearing a 'come in' from the other side, he walked in silence as his mother stared at him in confusion with a small smile "Ethel? what do you need child?" his mother asked him

he looked at his mother before speaking "I want to cancel the engagement" he said firmly while his mind started thinking the worst things that could happen at this moment

to his shock, his mother smiled at him before saying "about time child" he looks at his mother in complete and utter shock for he has not expected that from his mother

"what?" he said still lost in his words as thoughts surround his head in more confusion than before as his mother explained why she was okay with it.

apparently, Ethel's parents and Y/N father planned this to see if the two would try to fight in order to love who they want and as time past they started to think maybe the two were really not gonna fight for there will, and yet here Ethel was

"Besides, I know how you like Mia" her mother finishes with a little tease for her son "Mother!" Ethel shouted with a red face

*Meanwhile with Y/N*

Y/N looked at her father before her, a bit nervous as she waits for her father's answers

"about time" she too was as confuse as Ethel was, that is until her father explained

"so, who is this special boy on your mind my little star?" her father questions, Y/N tried to hide her blush only to fail terribly as her father notices her red face


*End of Flashback*

so that's what happened


Fresh stared at you with a smile as the Music turns to a stop

while nobody was looking Fresh leaded Y/N to the garden as the fireworks were launched

Both of them stared at the fireworks in awe as the colorful lights at the dark star-filled sky

Years have past and now Fresh and Y/N live together at a second-floor house with a cute little hybrid as there little son, Killua

both of them taking care of the L/n family business

let's see whats happening now, shall we?

Fresh was teaching his son how to ride a bike as Y/N cooked dinner for them inside

"come on son, you can do it!" Fresh said to encourage there son, soon little Killua was able to ride it until suddenly he fell

Fresh rushed to his side as fast his can "oh no, don't worry Killua you can try again, don't give up!" Fresh smile at his son as killua look at him with a frown turned upside down!

Y/N watch from the window with a smile as her two boys bond

what a happy ending

Dance Partner: last out of 4

Ending: last out of 4

𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓞𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼(NaJ Sanses x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now