Where we droppin' boiz? Part 1 (Ch. 1 [of many])

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"Three Scientists walk into a bar," Mia [pronounced like "My-ah"] starts, pushing back from her desk, "guess what they say next." 

"Dude, we've heard this joke before," Annika  [pronounced like "Anne-ick-ah"] says as she looks towards Mia. Annika goes into a science frenzy about quantum physics and all that shiz, but I'm 2 dumb 2  know anything about that (I bet you are too). The two have been friends for the longest of times, but something, or someone, stands in their way of being "ULTIMATE FRIENDS". They just so happened to be in love with the same girl... Dabby [pronounced "Dab-e"]. But honestly, who wouldn't be; with that soft, lovable face; those deep brown eyes... uh... I mean--uh... forget it. 

"Really? I haven't heard it yet, please tell it to me!" Dabby gets close to Mia, making Annika shoot a spine-shivering glare at Mia. Mia shrugs it off and starts telling the joke. 

After 5 minutes of the joke, Mia finally ends it with, "--and that, ladies and-- well just ladies-- is the correct way to peel a radioactive orange." Annika does her best not look jealous, only to fail horribly. Dabby, not getting the punch-line at all, (get it? punch line? oh yeah, forgot I skipped the whole joke... oh well) suspiciously laughs. Both Mia and Annika notice the waver in her laugh causing one to sigh and the other to chuckle at the joke's failure. 

Meanwhile, Dabby can not sense the tension between the two and says, "We should get back to work... the world won't save itself..." The three sigh and go over to a giant hole in a nearby wall. They all look out at the vast wasteland, caused by something unbeknownst to them. 

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