A Lesson in History (Ch. 4)

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"Uhh..." Dabby stammers. "What's happening? One second I'm listening to Nunchuck sing "Lovely Boys"(TBS's latest song) and the next Mia is unconscious on the ground..." 

"I have no idea how--" Annika starts, only to be interrupted by a flash of lightning and the roar of thunder. Out of the clearing dust came a man with the body shape of a pear; it was Eddicus. 

"Whu?" Nunchuck says. He, too, was knocked unconscious; guess he was so weak that even ripping off a fake tattoo caused him pain. "Who the fu--" 

"CITATION!" The middle-aged man declares. "NO SWEARIN', YOU BAG OF FILTH!!!" 

"At least he sees something about Nunchuck that Dabby can't," Annika mutters under her breath. "Guess it means he's not all that bad..." 

"YOUUUU!" The man exclaims, pointing his long and boney, yet meaty, finger towards Dabby. "You were the one to make the pie, were you not?" 

"Uhh, I guess I did," Dabby says, shrugging. 

"'You guess'?!?!? YOU 'guess'?!?!?!?!?!?!?" He escalates. "HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW IF YOU MADE THE PIE OR NOT-- you know what, forget it. I'll just banish you from this realm. You'll be shrouded in a lonely darkness for the rest of your pathetic life!" He starts to snap his fingers and--Nunchuck punches him in the face! Annika was starting to doubt the remark she had made only a moment ago. Strangely, the color of Nunchuck's eyes had shifted from gray to purple. 

After knocking out Eddicus, Nunchuck walks towards Dabby and says: "I have done as you have requested of me, m'lady." He then pretends to tip a figurative fedora and falls unconscious once more. Dabby beings breathing heavily. 

"Oh wow, a white knight," Annika says, rolling her eyes. "Anyways, we'd better get out of here before Eddicus wa--" 

"Before I what?" Eddicus says, appearing behind Annika in an instant. Both girls are too petrified to respond. He then draws a sword made of light with, yet another, apple symbol on it from thin air. "Aww, how cute! You guys awr too scwared to move, huh?" He chuckles. 

Suddenly, Annika feels an intense amount of adrenalin pumping throughout her veins. She also feels as if she could willingly fight a mountain lion. "No, we're just staying away from your face. Your breath reeks of rotten apples and deer saliva!" Annika hurls at Eddicus. 

"OOF!" Eddicus shouts and flinches. "Well, I guess your friend won't mind being near to me, being that she is currently unable to smell." He begins to walk towards Mia's sleeping body. 

"Oh no you won't!" Shouts Dabby, finally breathing normally and gaining more courage by the second. "You'll have to fight us off first!" The other girls dart towards Mia, placing their arms out. Even if Mia and Annika quarreled over who Dabby loved more, they were still friends; nothing could change that, unless they, you know... stop being friends. But that isn't going to happen... right? 

Eddicus looks at the two in surprise, then gains a creepy smirk. "Let's dance then, partners!" He raises his sword and swings at the two girls. He only manages to hit Annika(as Dabby dodges out of the way), but even then it only leaves a deep gash in her left leg. "Darn, forget to turn off safety!" He calls out. "There, let's try that one more time--OOF!" Dabby elbow strikes Eddicus in the back of the neck and he falls to the ground. Dabby then proceeds to tie his arms behind his back with Nunchucks shoelaces. 

"Hold on, Annika, I found some bandages on Nunchuck!" Dabby says, rushing back over to Annika. After 3 minutes of bandaging Annika's new wound, Dabby finally lets out a sigh of relief. 

"Ugh, what just happened--OMG, ANNIKA ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?" Mia says, waking up to Annika leaning her head against a tree and wincing in pain. 

"Just a battle scar. Dabby bandaged me up good enough though!" Annika admits with a wink towards Mia. 

Mia crawls over to Annika, tears streaking down her freckled face. "How did this happen? Who did this to you?!?" 

"Eddicus," Dabby says with a grim expression, "she got it protecting you from him. He's over there and still unconscious from my attack. I guess reading self-defense catalogs come in handy, huh?" Mia grits her teeth. 

"Think again, I'm still awake," Eddicus murmurs. "Better get out of here while you can; I'm almost at full strength. But remember this: I will find you, time after time. You will never be able to escape my wrath; after all, history DOES repeat itself." The old man begins to chuckle maniacally. The three all rise to their feet. 

Dabby beings to pick up Nunchuck, but Mia interjects with: "Leave him; we need to help Annika more; she can't walk in her current state." Dabby quickly nods and helps Mia carry Annika to anywhere but there. 

After walking for a good while, the three decide to rest. "I think we deserve a break," Dabby announces. "How about we snack on some pie while we rest?" Dabby reaches into her survival bag and pulls out the pie. 

"How was that not completely destroyed in there?" Annika asks, pointing to the partially sliced pie. 

"I have no idea, guess I was just extra careful!" Dabby says, giving her a mischevious grin. She slices the pie for her, Mia, and Annika and hands each person their respective piece. Surprisingly, Mia has been quiet since she passed out. She also glances around every few minutes, as if she thinks they are being followed by someone other than Eddicus. Nonetheless, the three grab a bite with their fork, clank the forks together, and yell "cheers!" before eating their pie. Soon after, they all disappear from the world of Forthright and into a strange and new dimension...

"You've just 'Yee'd your last 'Haw'"Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora