What Mia's Been Waiting for... (Ch. 3)

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"No, not really," Annika answers. "But sure, why not?" 

Mia points to a shack deeper into the forest. "Maybe we could find something in there that will help us solve our "problem"," They walk over to the shack, open the door and... it's completely empty... lovely. 

"Wow, look, maybe this dust bunny could make Nunchuck cough to death," Annika says sarcastically while holding the said dust bunny. 

"Wow, I just LOVE your humor!" Mia snaps back. "Anyways, it was worth a shot. Maybe we could look somewhere else--"

"AAAAH!" Dabby screams. Mia and Annika come rushing back to her. "OMG, HOW ADORABLE!" 

"I know right," Nunchuck says, showing off his tattoo of a K-pop idol group. 

"Oh god... he's already found the way to her heart," Mia whispers dejectedly. "Now we'll never be able to wean her away from him." 

"Don't be so sure, look closely," Annika points towards an obvious detail Mia had missed. "See how the tattoo curves outwards at the end, kinda like it's peeling? I've read about that kind of tattoo before. They're called temporary tattoos; they only stay on your skin for so long before they dissipate." Oh wow, it looks like little Annika can now use big girl words like "dissipate" and "temporary." 

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're right... if we show this to Dabby, maybe she'll be angry with him that he's a fake stan." Mia thinks out loud. Now the same question lingered amongst their innermost thoughts (See? I can use big words too, A-N-N-I-K-A.): Who would be the one to reveal this deceitful deception? 

"Hmm... let's decide who reveals it by a game of stone-sheet-blade!" Annika blurts out.

"Holy--Annika, how in all of Forthright did you know what I was thinking?" Mia whispers in a hiss. 

"Uh, idk, kind of felt like something, some voice, was telling me your intentions..." Annika ponders. "Well, doesn't really matter, let's duel!" 

"Stone-sheet-blade!" They both cry out. Stone-stone. "Stone-sheet-blade!" Stone-stone. "Stone-sheet-blade!" Blade-blade. "Stone-sheet-blade!!!!!" Sheet-blade. 

"AHAH! Finally, I've won something other than a basicality contest!" Mia yells. 

"Shhh, not TOO loud, they'll hear us," Annika shushes. "Now, here's what you'll do..." Annika whispers something into Mia's ear. Mia winces as Annika does but then shakes her head in agreement. 

"Yeah, Raemin [pronounced "ray-men"] is the best, honestly," Nunchuck says. Dabby squeals after he announces his favorite member. Oh no, he's almost broken her. Nunchuck can obviously tell that she enjoys talking about TSB (Total Super Babes, obvi); judging by the wide grin on his face. Just witnessing something like that is enough to make the other girls grit their teeth. 

Mia lunges from behind a tree (looking majestic and hero as she does) and tackles Nunchuck to the ground. "Woah there, one at a time, please. One girl is more than I can handle... unless you want me too--" Nunchuck says.

"Alright, enough with your little games!" Mia shouts, picking him up with one hand (wow, who knew eating so many expired donuts would be so healthy for you!). Dabby turns towards the chaos. "It's about time someone steps in to stop you! And well, Buckaroo, you've just "yee'd" your last "haw"." And with one last, ounce of strength, Mia rips the tattoo off of Nunchuck's bicep and collapses to the ground. 

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