A Change in Perspective (Ch. 5)

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The new world looks much more realistic than the one before, until, that is, the three notice a giant horse creature fly past them. Wait--how did they get here? They aren't supposed to be here! Honey, you told me that they wouldn't be able to reach-- 


I look up to see a giant creature fly past my head. It is exactly as the voice told me it would be. I turn to see that my companions are dumbfounded by this magical world. 

"Come on, guys," I say, "Eddicus might be right behind us. We need to find a place to stay, the sun is starting to set." I point towards the sun in the distant west. 

"You're right, Mia. Come on Annika, I can give you a piggy-back ride!" Dabby says. Any other time, I would be jealous of Annika, but right now she was in bad shape, because of me nonetheless. Not to mention I'm on a mission for the voice. 

"Wait, what's that over yonder?" Annika says in a strong southern accent. She was a bit loopy from blood loss. We both turned to where she was pointing and saw a magnificent castle. 

"How the--how did we not see that?" I exclaim. 

"I have no clue... let's go check it out!" Dabby says enthusiastically. I think she might be trying to avoid the fact that we almost died. 

We begin our journey to the magnificent castle and don't stop for more than a second (other than to allow Dabby to set down Annika for me to carry). "I'm sorry I'm being a burden right now..." Anika says. I'm too engulfed in my own thought of what the voice meant to pay much attention to her. It takes about an hour for us to reach the destination, and the orange-blue sky began to change into a fiery crimson red. 

"Knock, knock..." I said, knocking on the heavy wooden door. An old man with a preposterously long and white beard answered and motioned for us to come in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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