Total Babes (Ch. 2)

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"Oh. My. Gosh. Is that Nunchuck from Forthright?" Dabby shouts. 

"Oh, so your a fan of my work?" The stranger with blue hair asks in return. 

"You're," Annika corrects. "And no, we've just... read things about you." She looks to the ground. Oh, Could this be part of her backstory? 

"Sh*t, time to get moving guys," Nunchuck says, handing each of them a futuristic-looking parachute. 

"Dude, you can't say that here, it's SUPPOSED to be a family friendly story!" Mia says, putting on the parachute. 

"What story? Anyways, your doing something you shouldn't be; breaking the 4th wall like that--"

"Once again, it's you're," Annika sighs. 

"How can you tell the difference? I'm saying this aloud," Nunchuck asks, analyzing them suspiciously. He was right: how could Annika tell if he was using "your" or "you're" in the first place? "Anyways, you guys were put on my squad, it's time to jump." 

"J-jump?" Dabby asks, grabbing hold of Mia and Annika's hands tightly. "What do you mean?"

"Well, we're playing Forthright right now, so why wouldn't we jump out of the van?" Nunchuck opens one of the spray-painted windows and shows the girls the view of the surrounding area. It looks like your average landscape--except cartoonish. Welp, guess they ARE in the epic video game "Forthright."

"You're not kidding..." Annika whispers under her breath. Despite the cartoonish appearance and the vicious sound of guns and explosions, it's beautiful. It has been so long since any of the girls have seen something so lush, they're in awe... until Nunchuck pushes them off the flying van. 

They all scream, then remember they have parachutes. They pull the string and... well, should've seen this coming. Only Dabby has a working parachute, Annika and Mia are left to hit the ground at a speed increasing 9.8 meters per second, per second. Oh, nevermind, Nunchuck grabs them both in mid-air. All 4 of them drop into some kind of a secluded forest. (idk what it's called, I don't play Forthright).

"Wow, the high altitude must have been messing with my vision up there. How did I not notice all of you are TOTAL babes? Well... except for you," Nunchuck says, pointing to Mia. 

"Wow, thanks," Mia mumbles sarcastically. "It's not like I asked to be called a 'total babe,' then be rejected right after." 

Annika drags Mia behind a tree. "You're missing the point here, Mia, he called OUR Dabby a babe," She whispers. "Now, I might be able to tolerate you hitting on her, but there is no way that I can let him get away with this--"

"So what you're saying is..." Mia interrupts, grinning. "You want to call a temporary truce." 

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