Where we droppin' boiz? Part 2 (Ch. 1)

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"Let me just put this here... maybe move this up... tune this and... PERFECT!" Annika shouts. 

"Jeez, calm down over there, I'm the one in charge of design," Mia says, flipping her auburn hair dramatically, only for it to slap the other side of her face. "Oww..." 

"Well excuse me, miss "designer," you might've created the physical attributes to this puppy, but the program was all me," Annika says, "either way, you should be sure to respect your elders, I am over half a year older than you; after all." She winks and goes back over to her desk with the latest technology. Well, by latest I mean "20 years-to-old" lastest. After the chaos happened, nearly every single tech shop in the world was destroyed, leaving very few computers. Annika pats the computer but then realizes how weird that is and starts cringing. 

"Doesn't matter who did what, I think you guys have BOTH done an amazing job on the time machine... soon all that'll be left is testing it out!" Dabby says with a wide grin. She hands both of them a piece of her famous pie. They only had enough materials to have one a month, and Dabby wasn't the best cook in the world, but she was pretty good at it... well now that only these three people existed, she might've actually been. 

"Thanks, you're the best, Dabs," Annika smiles at Dabby then turns around to stick her tongue out at Mia. However, Mia is too engrossed in her "out-dated" fashion catalogs to pay her any attention. Suddenly, a large "BOOM" echoes in the distance.

"What was that? I thought garbage trucks aren't supposed to be around until we're trying to sleep! It's still the middle of the day!" Mia shouts. All of them knew it was strange to hear such a large noise, especially being three of the last few living being on earth... or so they thought. 

"At last, I've found you!" A middle age man calls out from a giant robot with...an apple symbol on it? Who is this guy? "Now... who gave you permission to make APPLE pie?" 

"Uhh..." the three say in unison. 

"Did we need permission?" Dabby asks. 

"Of course you do! Who do you think I am?" He says as he jumps 20 meters from his robot to the dilapidated building next to them.  

"A drunk middle-aged man stumbling around, looking for his wife, who has, without your knowledge, left you for a more capable man," Annika sates. "That's my guess. What about you guys?" Mia starts to speak, only to be interrupted by the man's cackling. 

"Fools! You'll pay for this," He says, pulling a whistle out of his pocket. "I am Eddicus, ruler of space, time, and... A P P L E S!" He blows the whistle and the ground begins to shake beneath the girls' feet. 

"Whoa, dude, chill relax, let's just turn on the radio... WOULD YOU LIKE AM OR FUM!!" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LdgKDDBijI) Dabby says. "Uh, wait, let's do that again..." She clears her throat. "Whoa, calm down, we just made a pie..." 

"Yes, without my permission...not to mention the fact that you were planning to do some unauthorized time travel!" He says. Deers begin popping out of the quaking ground randomly. The girls don't think anything of it until the deer start attacking their equipment and... oh no! The pie! Dabby ducks and weaves her way through the falling rubble caused by the deer stampeding the place. She grabs ahold of Annika and Mia's hand, causing both to blush. The three rush towards the pie, narrowly reaching it before a deer comes to collect it. 

"What's next?" Mia asks. 

"It's unstable... but the best option would be to activate the time machine..." Annika looks over at the un-damaged control panel. She knew this was dangerous, but it was better than being eaten alive by deer! "I'll go set a timer for when it should transport us, get in the pod, now!"

Annika runs over to her now-dented-computer to plug in all the numbers and equations while the other two run into the pod. Soon after that, Annika races over to the pod, sits down, shuts the door, and waits. And waits. And waits. And wa--you know what this is getting old--oh, I spoke too soon... The girls are all transported to a van with a teal-hair driver. And the van is... floating? No, more like FLYING!

The young man with teal-hair turns around to them and yells, "QUIT HORSIN' AROUND!"

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