Chapter 1

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Vanessa's POV
"I bet you two to live with each other for a week without kissing" Olivia said looking at me, Brad and Tristan.

"What about having sex?" Tristan asked laughing.

"No sex!" Olivia said sternly.

"Okay" Tristan said surrendering himself.

"No sex, kissing, cuddling or cute couple goals things" Olivia explained.

"I'm in" Tristan said laughing.

"Okay... I'm in" I said not so happy about this.

"You will start tomorrow since it's Monday, so good luck" James said.

"How will you know if we kiss or not?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"You know we live here too, idiot" James said mumbling the last word but I heard him. I nodded and walked up to my room.

I quickly took a shower before jumping in bed and under my duvet. I sat with my laptop and watched YouTube videos.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Olivia asked closing the door after her and Kendall.

"I'm not sure since they are my crush but we'll see"

"How can they not know they are your crush? We live with them and we have known them since we were toddlers" Kendall and Olivia sat down on my bed.

"I don't know. What will happen if they lose or I lose?" I asked looking at Olivia since she wanted this bet.

"We will tell you tomorrow" they said before walking out of my room and closing the door behind them.

I rolled my eyes and drifted off to sleep. This will be hard and not fun.

So this is my new story and I hope you like it.

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It took me a while before writing this chapter because I didn't know how to start, I started to write many chapters but ended up deleting everything cause I didn't like it or it didn't make sense.

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