Chapter 10

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Vanessa's POV
"What's going on with Brad?" I looked up at Kendall who sat at the table eating cereal.

"What do you mean?" She asked questionable.

"He ran upstairs yesterday and I could hear faint sobs from his room"

"Maybe a breakup" Kendall shrugged continuing eating her cereal.

"I don't think he was with someone" I got myself a glass of water and a cup of tea for Kendall and Tristan.

"Babe" I shouted and right away he came down and kissed me on the lips before taking the cup of tea upstairs again.

"Thanks" Tristan said on his way up.

"So back to Brad" I whispered so he couldn't hear us.

"Maybe you should talk to him?" Kendall suggested.

"I don't know" I said truthfully.

"Can't you?" I asked using my puppy dog eyes.

"No, I'm going to talk to Connor" she whined before washing the dishes and walking to the sofa where Connor and James sat.

I rolled my eyes playfully and giggled to myself before heading upstairs to Tristan's room. I knocked lightly on his door before he opened it with a big smile.

"What?" I asked giggling.

"You just look so beautiful" he said engulfing me in a warm hug.

"I have to say you don't look to bad" I said closing the door after me and sitting on his bed.

"Do you want anything babe?"

"I was just wondering if you knew what's wrong with Brad" I said trying to find any of his hoodies.

"No I don't, is it something wrong with him?" Tristan asked concerned.

"Well, he looks a bit off" I said changing into his black fila hoodie.

"I can talk to him if you want me to"

"No, no it's fine" I said kissing him on the cheeks before going downstairs to the others.

When I walked into the living room, James was gone and Connor and Kendall was snuggled up with each other. I took a quick photo of them before walking upstairs to Tristan again.

On my way to Tristan's room, I could hear James and Brad talk and it sounded like Brad was crying again.

"I don't know what I'm going to do" I could hear brad say between sobs.

"You really like Vanessa don't you" James asked him.

"Y...yes" I could hear him say truthfully and I froze. I couldn't move because I was shocked of what I've just heard.

He can't like me, I'm with Tristan. Did he always like me? That's why we went to more dates than one. What am I going to do?

My thought got interrupted when Brad's door opened and James was standing in the doorway.

I looked at him and then over at Brad who looked devastated with red puffy eyes and tears streaming down his face. I could see him shaking and hear him sobbing more.

I couldn't bare to watch him like that so I walked fast past his door and over to my own room. I laid down on my bed and texted Kendall and Olivia.

Brad likes me very much, he's crying and have red puffy eyes and he's devastated because I'm with Tristan. What am I going to do?!

I'm coming upstairs now

Thank you

I'm coming home tomorrow, see you soon❤️

See you soon babes❤️

I heard a light knock on my door and in came Kendall rushing over to my bed side. She sat down with legs crossed.

"So tell me everything" she said taking my hands in hers to relax me.

"I heard James and Brad talk, and Brad said he didn't know what to do and James asked if he really liked me... and then he said yes"

"Then?" Kendall asked with wide eyes.

"I froze and the worst thing is that James opened the door to Brad's room, and then I saw Brad devastated with red puffy eyes and he had tears streaming down his face. He was shaking and I could hear him sob even more" I explained taking my head in my hands. I could feel tears coming so I let them come.

"I...I don't know what to do" I said shaking and crying.

"Don't cry, we will figure this out" Kendall said reassuring me and giving me a hug.

I wiped away the tears and took a deep breath. I looked at Kendall and gave her a small smile before I heard my door open and in the doorway stood Brad, James, Connor and Tristan.

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