You will be mine in halal way.

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Everything has been mess since the guy started talking to me I didn't even know his name. Stay away from him Salma yeah that's best way otherwise there will be a havoc or third world war in this mansion.

People  think am weak I am fragile and let people walk over me but have they known what I have been through?yet they judge me and send insults just because I don't have my family with me and they left me all alone.

"Have patience Allah doesn't burden a soul more than he or she can handle,"I closed my eyes and reminded myself about some good sayings and prayed some prayers in my mind which always calm me.

I finished praying Zhur prayer and was about to change into another hijab, since I was supposed to cook lunch by two pm, they had some family friends coming over, female voice caught me off guard and I turned immediately .

"Stay away from him and my daughter," Malika warned me I stared at her she was beautiful woman but with ugly personality the maid informed me once she was soft heartened and  loving Lady but everything changed in her and she followed her husband's footsteps in business they wanted to be at the top and in doing that, also their daughter was lost and  spoilt since she was only one and born after many years.

I just nodded and after while she left.

I haven't  even known his name and  I shouldn't  even bother knowing about him since may be he never meant what he said about me being his. May be he was drunk.

I served lunch and waited for them to finish or if anything else was  needed  I stood at side behind them and there was no one else  since Malika gave other maids some money to enjoy their holidays and old lady stayed back because she had been working since long.

"Aunty I have never seen this girl before?whose she?" A familiar deep voice made my eyes wide and I looked down. What was he doing?did he have a death wish or?I knew all eyes were on me but I never glanced up. No one has ever asked about me until now.

"She's just maid and waitress at mansion or any function we keep," Their daughter Muzna said with an evil smile and I looked away while they continued laughing and talking.

They all left to sit in backyard garden before that the guys parents just gave me a small smile and thanked me for the amazing food secretly. What was happening?who were these people?

I went in kitchen since it was Sunday everyone was at Balcony and I heard their daughter Muzna announcing something like she was going shopping, I have never gone shopping since years now.

It was already 4pm and I was really exhausted and my legs ached due to walking a lot since week now. I had told old lady to rest since she wasn't feeling well.

I took tray of food which they had kept just to show off that they were good but I took it and ate immediately and drank water from small glass. Something  was better than nothing.

"Hey," that voice spoke which I was trying to avoid since lunch and what was he doing here instead of being with everyone else in the backyard garden.

I avoided. Yes Salma stay away, you have always wanted halal relationship and he was amongst who laughed and talked with them inside.

I kept washing dishes and kept them in the cupboards I still had to prepare evening meal.

"Stop avoiding me damnit ,"I heard his frustrated voice and shook my head .

"Please go, Muzna is outside," I told him while I wiped my hands once I finished and thought of resting in kitchen only. There was no time until night to sleep and yesterday they had shifted a small bed in my room .Wow that was surprising and I wonder why or because someone told them?

"Did you sleep well?" He asked me with concern in his voice but why did he ask me all of that and why did he care?

"Was he richer than these people?"

"Don't you want to know my name Salma?" He asked and my eyes widened he knew my name and I guess he knew everything about me of course money talks.

I stared at him. The biggest mistake of mine. He looked dashingly handsome, pale green eyes showing some strange emotions and eyebrows widened due to shock may be because for first time  I stared at him, his cheekbones were defined perfectly and nose shaped while his lips...Oh no...and he wore really expensive suit with coat on top he screamed like model may be he was an actor or a millionaire?

I looked away and moved far away from him never glancing back at him, this was haram.

I had read books while I was studying and now it wasn't time to dream about guys everything has changed also he belonged to  someone else I saw the way she looked at him.

"I don't want to know and please go your family is waiting for you," I told him politely but he still stood there . One damns stubborn guy.

"You are beautiful ," he complimented .

"Am not," I replied but he moved closer and whispered.

"I know what type of girl you are and you want something halal and you are innocent these people I hate them they are family friends for benefits and we want to expose them you can help me and I will make sure you are mine since the day I laid my eyes on you I knew you have been hurting I will make them pay for it," just wait and watch he said and left just then all his words registered  in my mind.

Before I could stop him he had reached very far and my eyes widened seeing a tall figure standing at side witnessing all of it of did he not hear?

Little did they know someone heard their conversation and everything would change to worst .

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