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MRS Salma
We always think too much knowing Allah has planned everything beautifully just give yourself and break and keep praying.

Wasim went for his meetings but before that he made sure about my safety, about my everything, he had even warned the whole house that if something happened to me then they should say bye to their precious jobs, he had become more attentive, more possessive and I felt peace with him.

"Where are you lost?"a voice snapped me from my thoughts, his parents were extremely careful with me even his mother and I became inseparable we talked out and solved issues she had been by my side since Wasim departed.

"She must be thinking about Wasim,"his dad joked and they both stared at each other, what's happening and Wasim hadn't called me since a day now, I will give him his own medicine.

We had so many ups and downs but he was like a gem, including his family, he was perfect gentleman, he never ever hurt me, they accepted me as their own finally.

"Surprises!,"a familiar voice spoke and w wall glanced towards the door my eyes widened, he didn't even mention he was arriving today as he was to come a week after.

I smiled but remembered to give him a little bit of cold shoulder to see how he will defend himself for not calling.

"Welcome home, well son someone here has been waiting eagerly for you,"dad said with a mischveous smirk and patted his son, after a while mom and dad both left and he just stood there leaning on a door looking devilishly handsome, all mine, forever mine.

I just turned my face away from him, I knew I was being childish but it was fun.

"Someone is upset with me?"I heard him ask and I just shrugged my shoulders and folded my arms.

I felt a presence next to me. Oh no!what  was he doing?one look at him and I know am melted.

"Are you still mad at me for not calling?"I heard a voice so sdamn close. I knew it he was going purposely so I give in and I just let it  go. I missed him way too much so I just turned and gave him a sudden hug which caught him off guard and he just laughed.

I just cried, tears of happiness, I can't stay without him anymore next meetings I don't know how will I handle.

"Please don't leave me again,"I whispered while soaking his shirt must be wet by now.

"Hey hey hey relax, am here you are mine, mine forever we will be together and lead each other  to paradise  InshaAllah and let's do some good deeds, don't you want little Wasim and Salma running around house?"he said so boldly with a smirk and I blushed and looked away shyly while he lifted my gaze and I scooped closer to him.

"Assalamualeikum,"I greeted him feeling abit sore but I removed the thoughts away and smiled at him he was half awake.

"Waleikumsalam, you okey?"he asked while moving closer and I nodded.

"Let's thank Allah and pray that may he keep our family United and protect them and all muslims and other people suffering around the world may all of them find peace. Ameen.

After two years
"Let's keep her name Anaya,"Wasim suggested and I agreed we had decided if it's a boy I would keep a name and if it's girl then he would. He was extr.elt happy even though we got a girl girls are blessings just the way boys are and together we kissed her forehead and prayed on her.

Our journey doesn't end here this is just the beginning of our small beautiful world.


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