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"Assalamualeikum,"I greeted once we reached there and Wasim just stood there blankly without even greeting them until his mom called him.

"Waleikumsalam"the girl replied and she looked like the lady who was sitting next to her may be she was her mother.

We both took our seat next to each other and Wasim was staring at his mom but she never even bothered to look our way in fact she was busy talking with lady and her daughter. Who were they?

"Meet my son Wasim you know him but you left him he was young,"she said with smile on her face and I looked at them in confusion .What was she implying here. Finally dad joined us and he also looked surprised but then composed himself.

"Yeah we had to shift to America but now we are back and I hope my daughter Zeenat and Wasim patch up like old times and they used to be so close to each other,"she said as if she didn't know Wasim was married to me.

Why did mom invite them?All this while Wasim didn't even say a word.

"Mom..."Wasim started saying something but her Zeenat interrupted.

"Please can we talk I really missed you,"she said that right in front of me?on my face?my smile faded and my mother in law(mom)smiled at me but i knew it was an evil one she had planned all these. I won't let her win.

What's this new kind of emotion I am feeling?why does it hurt so much? Ya Allah please help me.

First Muzna but she is happily .married and now Zeenat.Way to marry A handsome billionaire who has girls around him.

Is this jealousy?then I really have to be strong and face it. I shouldn't let people destroy our married life.

"Please come with me,"she pleaded with her innocent eyes and Wasim's mom suggested they go Wasim asked my permission and I just nodded.

He met her before me. I can't let him choose between a close friend and wife. He has his own life also.

He smiled and kissed me on the forehead in front of everyone. Ha! on your faces all of you.

Since when did I become so bold?is it good to be independent and confident girl?Thank you Wasim for coming in my life. I wont let anyone separate us. I smiled and served them.

"Salma can you come with me?"my father in law asked me I guess he wanted to help me by making me stay away form those two gossip ladies.

"Yeah dad sure,"I said but while we were heading towards kitchen since I wanted to give him tea a familiar voice caught my attention.

There sat Wasim and Zeenat next to each other they were talking so closely and I just looked away.

"So I am late?she asked with a sad face I tried to hear every word since we weren't so far. I know it's not right but I will try.

"You got married to her?"she asked without any smile on her face.

"Please try to understand,"Wasim started explaining and why did he need to explain?All he had to say was truth even if they were best friends so what?

"You love him don't you?"My father in law asked me with concern and he stated at them ofcourse he knew their relation.

"It's okey you both are young you will find ups and downs jealousy and trials but don't back out dear as she's just his long lost close friend and she had some feelings for him but then their family shifted and Wasim was abit lost but the he was okey and you are best thing happened to him so please handle with care and understand situation,"he explained to me and I nodded but when I stared back at them they were hugging and talking we just left.

The guests left but Zeenat stayed back for night my mother in law insisted and no one said anything.

"She will sleep in guest room they are still busy,"my mother in law told aunty and they all agreed without asking Wasim.


I checked time it was 11pm and I waited a yawn escaped my mouth but there was no sound of opening of door I switched off light prayed some duas to relax my mind.

"Wasim please don't let your friendship ruin our lives,"I whispered to myself and stared at ceiling all while having some strange feeling.

My husband was out with someone else. Please come back.

I thought of texting him but then found his phone on his side of bed . I checked it was 20percent so I put for him on charge and went to sleep.


I rubbed my eyes and woke up I placed my hands on his side of bed but it was empty I checked time. It was still early 6.30am.

"Wasim, where are you?"I asked myself and didn't even realize a tear slipped from my eyes.

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