Drunken Antics

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Hogwarts was buzzing with rumors. A few students had seen the incident at The Three Broomsticks, and by morning the entire school had heard. The next days following it, the rumors began to change. They had started with Draco being some other worldly creature which explained the show of superhuman strength, to Blaise and Draco putting some sort of love spell on Hermione and Ginny which was the reason they were on dates with the two Slytherins. There wasn't anywhere the girls could go without being bothered by some younger student asking if the rumors were true. It was beginning to get on everyone's nerves. Even during dinner four nights later, the buzzing hadn't calmed down. The four Gryffindors were sitting together at their table, eating and enduring the glances they were receiving from other students. Harry was enjoying himself.

" I am so happy that for once, the glances and whispered rumors, aren't about me. Is this how it feels to be on the other side of the field? Feels pretty good I must say." he said, laughing and taking a bite of his chicken leg.

Hermione and Ginny both glared at Harry. Ginny flicked her wand and sent a light stinging hex at Harry's bottom, which he jumped at, spilling his pumpkin juice all over himself and his food. He still couldn't stop laughing, drying himself off.

 " I have been enduring rumors, whispering and glances for 7 years, you guys are already breaking after four days. Sorry for finding the humor behind all of this."

" Yes, but your rumors were a little different then ours, Harry!" mumbled Ginny.

" Yeah your only under a love spell and at worst your virtue might not be intact anymore because of it. I was considered the killer of Muggleborns in 2nd year, was the reason Dementors came to Hogwarts 3rd year, 4th year I somehow got myself in the Triwizard Tournament and lied about Voldemort killing Cedric, 5th year I was called a liar and people were worried I was losing my mind until the Department of Mysteries brought out the truth Voldemort was back. Oh and lets not forget 6th year, with Death Eaters entering the school and having to embark on the Horcrux hunt, nearly causing Dumbledore's and my death. But I got over it. I got though it, because I had friends like you guys. It will end, maybe not today or tomorrow, but I promise you, it will end." he said, grabbing another plate and putting new food on it.

 Hermione just sighed and layed her head in her crossed arms. In retrospect, the rumors going around about Harry were indeed alot worse then the one's going around about her and Ginny. She began thinking about how right he was. After eveything he had been through, he was still here, still standing strong. She had friends who loved her, who cared deeply for her, maybe she could get through this. She stood up and started gathering her things, wanting to make a trip to the library. She wanted to not only brush up on her knowledge on Veela's, but wanted to learn more about the marking ceremony. Never having done anything more then a simple kiss with a boy, this had her terrified. She waved goodbye to her friends, politely excusing herself saying she was going to the library and walked out of The Great Hall.

" Hermione, wait up." Ginny yelled, rushing to her side. " Do you mind if I come as well. I want to research more on Veela's. I promise I won't be in your way."

" No thats fine Gin, that's what I was going to do there as well. After what happened these past couple of days, I've suddenly realized I don't know Veela's as much as I thought I did." Hermione laughed.

They continued walking along in silence, both thinking. Ginny finally broke the silence. " What did you think about what Harry said back at dinner?"

" I think he's right. He's been thought of to be crazy, a liar, a killer even. And he got through it with the love and support of us, always having his back. He went through it for years. Yet here the two of us are, acting like immature kids because for 4 days people have been saying mean things about us. I think we need to get over it, start standing up and start setting the student body straight, instead of moaning and graoning 'oh poor me' all the time." Hermione said, opening the library doors.

" I agree. We haven't seen Malfoy or Blaise acting like we have. So, where do we begin our search?"

" Do what I do when I can't find what I'm looking for. Ask!"

" Brillant deduction Granger. Couldn't have come up with a better idea myself." laughed Pansy coming up behind the girls.

" What do you want Parkinson. We're really in no mood to have a duel, espically in the library." asked Ginny, trying to keep her anger in check.

" No, and I have no want for a fight either. I was doing some thinking lately, and have come to a decision. How about we take a seat somewhere and talk?"

They made their way to the furthest table in the back, so they wouldn't be bothered by anyone. Hermione dropped her bag beside her chair and sat down beside Ginny, while Pansy took a seat on the other side of the table, crossing her legs and placing her hands on the table.

" Okay, Parkinson, talk." Ginny said, staring at the other girl.

" Well first off, how about we drop the last names and start calling each other by our first names? That might be a good place to start." Pansy replied, staring back at the redhead.

" I think we could do that Pansy. Might be a little weird, but we could defiantly do that. Now what did you want to talk about?" Hermione asked, placing her hand on Ginny's arm, getting her to calm down.

" About you two being with Blaise and Draco. Now I know we have never been friends, and I can't say we ever would be either if this hadn't come about, but I'm close with both boys and you two being their mates, I'm sure we're going to be seeing each other often and I'd rather it not be hostile everytime. So I figured, instead of asking to forgive and forget, which is a crazy notion seeing as we have alot to forgive and forget, we could just start from this moment on, trying to be civil and possibly sometime in the future we may even become more like friends." she suggested, leaning back in her chair, opening up the floor to either Hermione or Ginny to say something.

" Now when you say your close to both boys, what exactly do you mean?" asked Ginny.

" I knew this was going to come up, so before we begin being civil, might as well get everything out in the open. My family and the Zabini's along with the Malfoy's have been close friends for as long as I can remember. The three of us grew up together, so granted we were close friends. I have never done anything with Blaise in my entire life, it was just to weird to think of him that way. I considered him my brother, but Draco on the other hand, since first year I was in love with him. Our families were even talking about the two of us getting married, but that was before the fall of Voldemort. And yes, Draco and I have been together, but only twice. Once was in 4th year because we were both curious, and once again during an extremely drunken night. But that's it. We were dating from 2nd year to 4th. But afterwards, we both realized that there was nothing between us, and having sex was the worst mistake either of us ever made. I consider Draco one of my best friends, same with Blaise, and before you ask, no, I have no intention of wanting to get back with Draco. In fact, I happen to have my eye on someone else, someone I have liked since 5th year." Pansy explained, hoping getting everything out in the open would help move things along.

" So it is true, you and Malfoy had slept together. I knew it, Lavender owes me two galleons." Ginny smacked the table with the palm of her hand, making a mental note to collect from Lavender later on.

" So what do you say guys? To being civil with each other, maybe working towards having a friendship?" Pansy asked, trying to get back on track.

" I don't think I see any harm trying. How about we have a girls night out? Go to Hogsmeade, have some drinks, sleepover in the Head's dorm, stay up all night gossiping and what not? What do you think?" Hermione suggested, thinking it might help the friendship thing along.

" Oh, I'm defiantly in. Haven't had a decent girl's night in a long time." agreed Ginny, clapping her hands together excitedly.

" I've always wondered what the Head dorms looked like, I'm in. Friday night sound good?" suggested Pansy.

" That sounds good. I'll invite Luna as well, she's a good friend of ours, and if your willing to be our friend Pansy, your gonna have to be hers as well. You up for it?" Hermione asked, fearful of Pansy's dislike for the looney Ravenclaw.

" She's the one dating Potter right, the fuzzy one?" Hermione nodded her head, " I don't have a problem with that, might even be some fun having her around." Pansy sad, standing up and shoving her chair back in the table. " I'll meet you guys at the Great Hall say around 6pm?"

" We'll see you there. I'm actually kinda excited about this. Should be alot of fun." stated Ginny.

" Ginny, if there's one thing Slytherin's can do right, is have a good time. See you then." Pansy turned and walked out of the library.


" Your having a what?" asked Blaise, sitting in the common room, on the couch, playing a game of exploding snap with Draco.

" A girl's night. We're going to Hogsmeade for some drinks, maybe do some shopping, then we're coming back here and spending the night in Hermione's room. I'm giving you guys a fair warning, there will be giggling, screaming, and tons of girly things going on. So unless you want a makeover, and shoved into girls clothing, I suggest you keep your distance." Ginny laughed, taking a seat in one of the armchairs, slinging her feet over one of the arms. She took out one of the books she got from the library and began to read.

" Whatcha reading Red?" wondered Blaise, glancing over at her.

" Just brushing up on my Veela reading. Trying to find out how we can be close without those pearly white fangs of yours coming out until we're ready." she said slyly, turning a page. Draco blanched. He immediatly stood up, and looked around for any excuse to leave the awkward situation.

" I'm gonna go take a hot bath, I suddenly feel the need to leave the room." Draco mumbled, wishing the redhead would learn to keep things to herself. He walked into his room and closed the door behind him. He flopped onto his back on the bed, covering his face with his hands. With this 'girls night' all his plans for being with Hermione went right out the window. He needed to come up with something different, and he needed to quick. He started gathering his toothbrush, shampoo and towel as he stripped out of his clothing, only leaving his boxers on. He was too caught up in thinking of new ideas of how to get Hermione alone, he didn't notice the bathroom light on.


 " Ahhhhh," Hermione moaned as she slipped into the steaming hot bathtub, feeling her tense muscles relax as the aroma of vanilla and strawberries from the bubblebath surrounded the room, fogging up the mirrors. She dipped her head under the water, staying there until her lungs felt ready to explode. She sat up, resting her back against the cool marble bathtub and reached for the library book she signed out earlier. She planned on getting some reading done before anything more happened between her and Draco. She knew the basics of course, like what and who a Veela was, but she didn't know much regarding the marking ritual. She wasn't a prude, she knew it was regarded as a sexual encounter between a Veela and it's mate, but she didn't see the significance of dwelling any deeper into it. But that wasn't the reason she signed out this particular book. She selected How To Be A Mate, Viewpoints From The Mates Of Veela's, to help get a better understanding of her own feelings. She didn't know why she was feeling the way she was, and maybe reading about what other mates had been through might help.

She flipped open the book, looking down the index for the chapter she was most interested in first, selecting the marking ritual.

" I was scared, of course, who wouldn't be?" 

Evangeline Vesquel, found out she was a mate of a newly matured Veela at the young age of fifteen. Born to poverty, worked as a servant from the moment she could walk, she soon found herself living in the life of luxury when she became the mate of a Veela Prince. Here she explains what took place during the marking ritual and what she went through.

" I had never even talked to a male before. I was a servant, only to speak when spoken to, and other times to remain invisible. I came from nothing, and was treated as such, so I was completly shocked when The Prince walked into the household, claiming me as his mate."

" When he told me what he was, and who I was to him, I was floored. So many questions were going through my head. What does he expect from me? What does it mean to be a mate to a magical creature? How am I going to do this without causing death? So many questions. After finally excepting his courting, and a few disaster dates, I was informed about the marking. I was frightened. I was scared, and I was an emotional mess. I had never been with a man let alone laid in ones bed with him. I was expected to forfeit everything I had worked for to save about myself for the life of someone I barely knew."

Back in the late 1800's and early 1900's, most female servants were subjected to sharing the bed of their male employers. Not willing to comply usually resulted in severe beatings and in a few extreme cases, death. Evangeline was one of the few lucky women who hadn't been brought to bed, keeping her virtue in tact. Most female servants were raped by their employers as young as 13, resulting in unwanted births.

" I was way to young to be a mother, and that was what I thought was expected of me. The night it happened, nothing went right. We fought about everything we talked about, I ripped the dress he had bought for me, and I nearly impaled him with my dinner fork. Yet after dinner and wine by the fireplace, we discussed the marking. I allowed him to take me upstairs and sat beside him on his bed. He started doing things like playing with my hair, rubbing my arms and legs, trying anything to relax me. I was shaking, and I'm sure at some point I was crying, but something inside told me this was right. That I needed to get over this fear and let him mark me. My hands were shaking as I undid my dress, allowing it to fall to the floor, bearing my body to another person for the first time since I was in diapers. He asked me to come to the bed and lay down, but I tripped over my dress and fell flat on my face in front of him. My face was hot from embarrassment, but I only rolled over and began laughing. Awhile later I heard him laughing, and I was calm. The marking itself did hurt, but it only lasted for about a minute. Afterwards, everything was amazing

According to studies and information from other mates, as soon as one is marked from their Veela, one is brought to immediate sexual euphorism. It is believed to be said that the bite from a mature Veela is extremly arousing and intoxicating.

" I was returning to the present, trying very hard to catch my breath when I suddenly felt hot. It felt like my blood was boiling, and I was about to catch on fire any second. My skin was burning and tingling and I felt like I was about to explode. I screamed as I blacked out. I later found out that he had injected me with some sort of Veela magic, that not only strenghtens the bond between the Veela and their mate, but also intensifies any magic that the mate already had or gives a magical quality to those without."

Many have said being injected with Veela vemon causes heating up of the body. That they experience something close to a fever and the pain factor of being bitten can range from little to no pain to the worst pain the person has experienced. It all tends to depend on the person being bitten.

" We didn't consumate the marking that night, my Veela knew it was asking to much from me, but after that night I felt closer to him then I have with anyone in my entire life. I found myself more relaxed around him and I began to have loving feelings for him. At first I thought it was from the vemon, that it was some sort of magic forcing me to love him, but the vemon doesn't do that. It doesn't force one to fall for another, it just strenghtens the bond that was already there no matter how small it was to begin with. Our love has flourished since that night. We rarely fight, we hardly argue. We live for one another."

" If I had anything to say to a newly informed mate reading this trying to figure out what their feeling, I don't think anything I could say would help. Love is strange, scary, and exciting. Nothing is planned, it's all up in the air. Your scared, you should be. You've got questions, that's good, but you doubt yourself, you doubt your Veela, and I can promise you one thing. It will not turn out good. Everyone has different feelings and thoughts and the experience of one will not be the experience of another. Trust yourself, and everything will turn out alright."

 " That was no bloody help. Arggg!" Hermione yelled, throwing her book to the other side of the bathroom. She sank into the bathtub once again, screaming underwater, watching the bubbles travel to the surface. She didn't hear the bathroom door open.


 Draco noticed the steam when he came in, but shrugged it off, thinking maybe Hermione had just finished having a shower and this was leftover from it. He glanced around the bathroom and didn't see anyone in it, so he dropped the towel from around his waist, and made his way over to the bathtub. It was still full, ' maybe she had forgotten to empty it before she left', he thought. He was about to dive in when Hermione surfaced, gasping for breath. He nearly jumped out of his skin and dove to find his discarded towel, resulting in him slipping on a puddle of water, his feet flying up in the air from underneath him. His back made a loud smack as he landed on the floor, causing Hermione to whip her head around.

" MALFOY, GET OUT!" she screamed, trying to cover herself, but failing miserably. Draco's face burnt red, as he tried to look anywhere else but at her.

" I'm..I'm ahhh sorry, I'll just...uhhh, you know, would you like..." he stuttered, his eyes roaming her body. He felt his mouth begin to tingle and couldn't help it, he quickly grabbed a towel from the rack and threw it at Hermione more harder then he wanted. He just really needed her to cover up, or he was going to have a meltdown. He slapped his hand over his mouth and shut his eyes tight, trying to get them to back to normal. He grabbed his own towel off the floor, wrapping it back aound his waist.

Hermione stepped out of the bathtub, watching Draco intently. She saw him shut his eyes and cover his mouth and knew something was wrong. She tapped him on the shoulder.

" Draco what's wrong? Are you okay? It's alright, it was a mistake, just next time try knocking." She tried to comfort him, but it wasn't helping.

He spun around and she gasped. His eyes were completly black, and he was panting heavily, showing off his perfectly white fangs, gleaming in the light. She took a step back, clutching her towel closer to her body. He frowned, reaching his hand out to her.

" Please, Hermione, if I could ask anything right now, please don't be afraid of me." He looked at her soaking wet towel, clinging to her curves, leaving very little to the imagination. " I won't hurt you, I promise. I just can't seem..." he trailed off, not knowing what to say.

" Draco, it's alright. I'm not scared, just shocked is all. Ginny told me about the fangs, but I have never seen some up close before. What caused this to happen?" she asked, letting go of her grip on her towel a little.

" What do think happened? Your naked, wet and within touching distance. You haven't been marked Hermione, so everytime I see you in anything less then the school uniform, though you do make it look rather fetching, this is going to happen. I'm sorry....if that helps any." he said, running his fingers through his hair.

Hermione was flabbergasted. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. In all her years in Hogwart's, boys never looked at her. Harry and Ron considered her one of the boys, and she was treated as such. She never considered herself anything special, there was defiantly alot better looking girls out there then her. There was no possible way she even ranked on the 'Good Looking Girls List Of Hogwarts' every boy in school seemed to have. Yet here she was, standing in only a towel with Hogwart's most wanted male, Draco Malfoy, and he was having a hard time controling himself because he wanted her. She pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming, but stopped herself. Why would she be dreaming about Draco Malfoy anyway? Merlin help her, she was losing her mind.

" It's alright Draco, I understand... I think. But we need to talk about this whole marking thing though."

" Please, I don't think I can take it. Just thinking about it might just push me over the edge, and I'm just barely hanging on with my sanity here." he moaned, his gums tingling more.

" All I want to say is, I'm not ready at this moment, but I am going to say this. I accept you as my mate Draco and I your's. I want this Draco, I really do, but we need to take it at my own pace here. I'm not as sexally experienced as you, well actually I'm not.." she babbled, wishing she could just shut up.

When she admitted she accepted herself as his mate and him as hers, his fangs retracted back inside his gums and his body fully relaxed. He took a step towards her and rubbed her arms with his hands.

" I appreciate your acceptance love. You don't know what it means to me to hear that." he said, turning around, heading for his door. As he was about to close his door, he poked his head back in and said, " And by the way Hermione, I knew you were a virgin. That's what I love most about you. Plus it's a boost to my evil demeanor that I'm going to be the one to defile the Gryffindor Princess." She threw a bar of soap at him as he laughed.

" Watch yourself Malfoy, or you might just piss me off," she glared at him, attempting the most mean face she could muster.

" The gods themselves do tremble Hermione," he laughed again, closing the door behind him.


 Friday night found Hermione, Ginny and Luna waiting in front of The Great Hall, standing around, waiting for Pansy to arrive.

" You know, it has to be written somewhere that Slytherin's and Gryffindor's aren't allowed to be friends." Pansy replied, coming to stand with the three girls.

" Imagine the look on Salazarr's face if he knew you, a pureblood, were conversing with and spending the night with a blood traitor and a mudblood." joked Hermione.

" He would probably admit himself to St. Mungo's for physic testing. Well who's ready for some drinks at The Three Broomsticks?" asked Ginny, opening the doors, beginning the walk to Hogsmeade.

" I wonder what the guys are doing tonight?" asked Hermione, tightening her cloak, the chill September air hitting her.

" Harry said they were hanging out in the Head dorms. Draco and Blaise asked him and Ron over for some guy time." replied Luna.

" I never thought I would see the day when Potter and Draco would become friends. I think I need St. Mungo's right about now!" laughed Pansy, as the girls made their way to the bar.


 " Alright Malfoy, what did you invite us here for?" asked Harry, cleaning his glasses.

" I figured since our girls are out together getting to know one another, maybe we could do the same. We're going to be seeing alot of each other in the future, so why not try to get along? For the girls." suggested Draco, setting out four glasses. Blaise followed behind him, carrying a bottle of Firewhiskey.

" How did you get alcohol in the school? Isn't it forbidden?" asked Ron.

" Well being Head Boy has it's advantages. One of them being knowing when the teacher's aren't around to be able to smuggle the bottle in." Draco poured four glasses and handed them to Harry, Ron, and Blaise. He took a sip of his own and sat down on the couch beside Blaise.

" So how do you purpose we go about this whole getting better aquianted business?" asked Harry, setting his half full glass down on the coffee table.

" Well I thought first we would sit around, holding hands, sharing stories about tragic events that took place in our lives, followed by hugs and maybe a makeout session before we retire to our bedrooms for some well needed spooning. What do you think Potter, we're going to get plastered and play a manly game of truth or dare. You game?" said Draco sarcastically, putting the bottle of Firewhiskey on the coffeetable.

" Hold on, how is truth or dare a manly game? Isn't that a game girls play?" asked Ron, wrinkling his nose.

" Easy Weasley, the way we play is different. Instead of one person asking another to choose between truth or dare, One person either picks truth or dare and everyone has to do it. If it's truth, the person who asks selects the question and we all have to answer the question. If you choose not to answer, you do a shot, or if you don't tell the truth you do a shot. If the person chooses dare, everyone has to do it. If you don't, you do a shot, or if you don't complete the dare, you do a shot. Everyone understand?" answered Blaise, looking around at everyone, who nodded. " Alright let's get started, I'll go first. Draco you want to ask me?"

" Sure, okay Blaise truth or dare?"

" We'll start easy, truth."

" Okay, everyone pour their glass full, we all have to answer truthfully, or we drink. Your choice. Who's the first person you ever had sex with?"

" Ugh, you just had to bring that up..... Milicent Bulstrode." Blaise muttered, fake vomiting.

Harry and Ron both burst out laughing, " I think that alone deserves a drink." said Harry, wiping a tear from his eye.

" Here here Potter," laughed Draco cheersing the guys. After everyone took a shot, eyes turned to Harry to answer his question.

" Luna was my first." he answered.

" Pansy Parkinson!" answered Draco.

" I think everyone knew that one Malfoy!" laughed Harry, which earned a glare from Draco.

While everyone was waiting to hear Ron's answer, he instead grabbed his glass and took a huge shot.

" Oh come on Weasley, it couldn't be that bad as Bulstrode." said Blaise, trying to coax the answer from him, wanting to know who it was.

" No, it's not as bad as that. I just don't want to answer. That was the rule wasn't it? I took my shot, let's move on! Malfoy your next!" Ron replied, face red.

" Fine by me, Weasley. Dare."

Ron took a minute to think about something to make the ferret do that would shut his mouth. Suddenly an idea popped into his head. " Okay before I give you your dare, I have a question. If it's your dare and you decide not to do it, do the rest of us have to do it even though you didn't?"

" Yes, everyone has to do it, or take a shot. Now what's my dare?"

" You have to take a swim in the Great Lake."

" Wow, such a incredible dare, how am I going to manage this?" replied Draco, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

" Naked!"

Everyone's eyes went wide with shock as Draco sneered and began heading towards the portrait, the boys following behind.


 " I didn't think it was as late as it is. I think I lost time between the fourth and fifth shot," slurred Luna, walking a little wobbly.

" Oh yes, I forgot how time consuming a trip to la-la land can be." laughed Pansy, holding onto Ginny's shoulder for support, while her other hand carried a smuggled a bottle of Firewhiskey.

" Pansy, you shouldn't have gotten that bottle, we're going to get in trouble." whispered Hermione, trying to regain some sobriety.

" Oh, get your knickers out whatever twist you got them in Hermione. It's not like we're the first people to ever try to sneak liqour in school. Trust me when I say, if your going to be with Draco, wait what was that?"

Off in the distance, the girls could just make out four silhouettes sprinting across the field towards The Great Lake. One of the shadows seemed to be hopping on one foot, attempting to rid themselves of something from it. The girls became suspicious and began following the shadows.

" Wait, we don't know who it is, we should just continue to our room." whispered Hermione, halting in her tracks.

" Mione, your Head Girl, it's your job to catch people out after curfew. Now come on!" urged Ginny, tugging on Hermione's sleeve, dragging her unwillingly towards the bushes, close to The Great Lake.

" Merlin, would you look at that!" Pansy exclaimed, ducking behind the bush, pushing some aside making a little hole to peek from.

The four girls gasped as the sight of Draco, Blaise, Harry and Ron jumped into the lake, stark naked. Hermione covered her eyes with her hands and turned away.

" I don't think spying on them is appropriate."

" Come on Hermione, no time to be a prude now." whispered Pansy, pulling her down beside her and prying her hands away from her eyes. Hermione couldn't help but stare as Draco emerged from the water and ran his hands through his hair. The water on his chest and shoulders glistened in the moonlight, making him appear as though he was glowing. Hermione soon felt her skin growing flush and she began fanning herself with her hand. The boys were splashing each other, before a gust of wind had them running towards the girls, in an attempt to gather their clothing. They were coming up fast when Hermione took a step back, crashing into Ginny, who fell into Luna who let out a shriek as they tumbled to the ground. The boys heads shot up, looking for the source of the sound when Pansy just stood up, hands on hips.

" Well if your going to run around and play in the lake naked, don't be surprised if someone watches." she shouted at them, and turned around and walked back to Hogwarts, shaking her head.

Draco started at Hermione, watching she looked him up and down. She came to stop at his face, which held a proud grin, knowing she was enjoying the view. She made a face at him and followed Pansy. Luna winked at Harry and skipped after her, while Ginny just shrugged her shoulders and walked away. They were at the front doors when Pansy turned around and cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted, " By the way Weasley, this time, I did like what I saw!" and walked inside, the three other girls laughing as Ron beamed with pride.


 " Did you see Blaise? Merlin, he's one piece of gorgeous man flesh." slurred Ginny, siping from the bottle of Firewhiskey, handing it off to Pansy.

" Have to admit, he is handsome. If you weren't his mate, I wouldn't mind having a romp in his bed with him." exclaimed Pansy, who handed the bottle to Hermione.

" Jeez Pansy, no need to be so blunt." Hermione said, swallowing her mouthful and giving the bottle to Luna.

" Oh I don't think theres any need to be worried. She fancies your brother Ron anyways Ginny. Oh the percleps are defiantly in mating season." Luna said, in her sing song voice.

" What was that Luna?" asked Hermione.

" Percleps, their these invisible flying bugs, close to flies, that during mating season cause.." Hermione cut her off, waving her hand in the air.

" No, no no, that thing about Pansy and Ron?"

" Oh that. Pansy likes Ron, and from what I can tell, she's liked him since fifth year am I right Pansy? Hasn't anyone else noticed how she stopped being mean with him and started using flirt fighting. It's been in front of everyone's noses all this time and I'm the only one who's noticed?" she shrugged, and everyone turned to look at Pansy.

" Well, I think I've finally figured ou why you were placed in Ravenclaw, Lovegood. But yes it's true, since fifth year. Shocking no one else noticed this, I'm not exactly known for my secrecy when it comes to my liking someone."

" Merlin!" Ginny and Hermione exclaimed, looking at each other.

" But enough about me, what about Hermione and Draco. I couldn't have been the only one who felt the heat between them. I think our dear little Hermione here is in love." Pansy laughed, polishing off the last bit of Firewhiskey left in the bottle.

" Not true, I'll admit he's good looking, and I may have a tiny crush on him, doesn't mean I'm in love with him. So I've had a few dreams about him, maybe thought about him a few times during class or maybe had one teeny tiny sexual fantasy about him, that doesn't even begin to amount to love." huffed Hermione, attempting to stand but plopped back down on her behind. Sitting really was doing wonders right now.

" No sweetie, in reality, we call all those things infatuation, which in my experience tends to lead to love... eventually." laughed Pansy, throwing a pillow at Hermione.

After letting Pansy's information sink in, Hermione grabbed the pillow, placed it over her head and screamed a deafening scream into it.

" Oh it's not so bad, you could have fallen for an ogreish brute. Think of the beautiful babies you two will have. Ahhhh," sighed Luna, clearly not grasping the situation.

" Get over yourself Mione, sure he's a pain in the ass, but what guy isn't every now and then? You guys are going to fight and argue, but I've always thought that deep down inside of you, you've kinda had a sick, twisted liking to fighting with Malfoy. He's pretty much the only person in Hogwart's, except Dumbledore, who could keep up with your witty banter, but I don't see Dumbledore as the arguing type." explained Ginny, walking out of the bathroom having changed into her pj's.

" Gotta agree with Gin on this one Hermione. I've always thought there was something between you and Draco. Even when I was dating him I thought that. Enemies fight, but not like you two. Draco and Potter didn't fight and argue as often as you two did and they've come close to blows a few times. Speaking of Potter, don't mean to offend you Lovegood, but he's turned into quite the good looking boy, wouldn't mind sampling that!" Pansy laughed.

" PANSY!" The three girls shrieked and began whomping each other with their pillows.


 " They were plastered, I mean completly drunk! Did you see the way they were eyeballing us? I felt all naked and exposed." shuddered Ron, entering the Head's room.

" We were naked Weasley." laughed Blaise, coming to sit on the couch, Potter planting, or rather falling, beside him.

" Now that was defiantly interesting. I can now cross off skinny dipping in The Great Lake, with Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini in the middle of the night drunk, while getting spied on and caught by my girlfriend, two best friends and Pansy Parkinson off my list of things to do before I die." Harry joked, taking his index finger and crossing off an imaginary list in the air.

" I can honestly say I have never done that before. Great dare Weasley, you showed some Slytherin potential. I think you would have done well in my house." sneered Draco, listening intently to the screams coming from Hermione's bedroom.

" Your hearing it to huh?" asked Blaise, knowing full well his Veela friend was listening for his mate.

" Hearing what? All I hear is muffled noises." stated Harry, listening harder.

" Veela's have a heightened sense of hearing. Blaise and I can hear everything that's going on in Hermione's room, but in order to do that we have to focus really hard." explained Draco.

" We also have stronger taste, smell and eyesight." whispered Blaise, adding to Draco's explaination.

" Well that's not the least bit creepy, is it Harry?" laughed Ron.

All of a sudden, Hermione's door burst open and out flew Hermione with warts on her face and Ginny with bright purple hair, both in their underwear, running fast into Draco's room, followed closely by Pansy with snakes for hair and Luna, another tragic victim of Ginny's famous Bat Boogey Hex, both in their underwear.

" Come here you little brainiac know-it-all, I'm gonna hex you good." laughed Pansy, sending harmless hexes towards Hermione who dodged them easily.

" You little redheaded she-devil, I'll get you for that," shouted Luna who skipped dreamily after Ginny. The four girls slammed Draco's door and more screams were heard and hexs and jinx's were thrown about.

The four boys stood wide eyed and shocked.

" What the bloody hell was that?" asked Ron, looking for answers.

" I have no idea, but I'm sure I want to stay as far away from that as possible." laughed Draco, taking a seat, " Now let's continue our game shall we?"

" But Malfoy, aren't you worried? I mean it's your room, your things and their in there throwing hexes around drunkenly." said Harry, wondering why Draco hadn't blown his top yet.

" Their only things Potter, nothing I can't buy again if anything gets broken. Plus they sound like their having fun, why interrupt that? Anyways, we have Blaise's room if my room does get ruined to crash in, so no worries. It's big enough to fit four people."

" Nope, no thank you. From the sounds of those girls, I'm staying down here. It's far away from them and their hexes, and it gives me enough time, if I hear them coming this way, to get away from them. Zabini's room is too close for comfort tonight!" Ron grunted, crossing his arms. No way was he staying anywhere's near four drunken girls with wands.

" Weasley's got a point, the common room does seem a bit safer. Alright so who's next?" Draco asked, filling their glasses back up.

A few hours later, the girls had yet to come out of Draco's room, which meant they had either went through the bathroom entrance, or passed out in his room. Either way, it didn't bother the boys. They were pretty sloshed as is.

" Okay Zabini, I dare you to go into Hermione's room and steal an article of clothing from one of the girls!" Harry drunkly dared, swaying as he rose to his feet.

The four boys staggered their way to Hermione's room. Blaise slowly turned the handle, creeping the door open inch by antagonizing inch. From inside they heard soft snores coming from each of the girls so they tempted opening the door wider. They chanced a glance at the girls, all covering their mouths with their hands to keep from laughing.

Ginny was laying on her back, hair bright purple and skin beet red, with Luna covered in Bat Boogey and feathers sleeping with her head on her stomach. Pansy was laying a few inches away, curled up in a ball. Her hair was made completly of snakes and she had hairy arms and legs. She was spooning Hermione and her arm was placed over top her side. Hermione's face was covered with warts and her feet were turned into horse hooves.

" I didn't know Parkinson sucked her thumb!" whispered Ron, grabbing an article of clothing from each of the girls.

" And I bet she'll murder you if you ever bring that up!" whispered back Blaise, leaving the room with his share of the clothing.

The four boys left the room with the clothes, piling them up in the common room next to the fireplace. After each had taked a piece of clothing, there was nothing left for he girls to wear. Draco somehow thought they were going to pay for that prank, but as drunk as he was, it really didn't matter to him at this moment.

" As much as I'm enjoying this game, I'm really kinda tired. Why don't we go and grab some blankets and get some sleep? We can always continue this at a later time." suggested Ron, yawning loudly.

The boys set up their blankets in front of the fire, and were out as soon as their heads hit their pillows, neither one considering the hell that would unleash upon them in the morning.


hey guys so another new chapter i hope you guys like it. :) 

The song to the side -> i just found on youtube and i liked it so i hope you will aswell :)

Any way i'm getting a little boeard so i made a game for you all to play :) the first 5 people to vote and comment on this new chapter will all get a chapter dedicated to them :) 

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