Chapter 17

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"Bella is stupid

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"Bella is stupid. Why would she ever choose a vampire over a werewolf?"

I scoffed at Ben's question and threw a handful of popcorn in his face. We were sitting in the Joy Boys living room watching a trashy romance, my feet sprawled across his lap. He opened his mouth as the popcorn hit him and a kernel landed on his tongue. I was perfectly content in this spot for a Saturday night.

"That's not the point of the movie, dumbass. She just loves Edward more."

Ben smirked.

"Werewolves are ten times cooler. I'll just leave it at that."

"Ever met a vampire?"

Ben was silent, thinking. I took his lack of response as a no and stuck my tongue out at him. He was so easy to tease and I loved doing it.

He was about to retort with some smart-alecky comment but was cut off by my phone buzzing. When I pulled it out, I couldn't hide the surprise on my face at the text. 

Gray: Louuuuuuuuuu!

I almost choked laughing at the drunk text that had appeared on my phone. Ben, curious and nosy, curved his head around to look at the name that had popped up on the screen. He shot me a look, one that spoke louder than words.

"Really, Lou? Gray Denvers?"

I scoffed. "Really what? It's just a drunk text, it doesn't mean anything."

Ben curled and uncurled his fist, barely containing anger. The anger wasn't placed toward me, of course, it was aimed at Gray. I just didn't know why and I was sick of not knowing. I swung my legs off of Ben's lap and held out my hand. He eyed it warily, knowing what I was silently asking.

"Nah uh, you're not Jedi mind tricking me. No way!"

He held his hands up by his head as if he were surrendering rather than keeping them out of reach from me.

"It's not Jedi's daemon mind reading. There's a difference."

"Doesn't matter if there's a difference, I'm not doing it," he said, "If you have a question, just ask it."

I crossed my arms and stared him down. He must have known what question was coming. I could see the anxiety on his face. Unlike his older brother, Ben was terrible at hiding his emotions.

"Why do you and your brothers hate Gray?"

He sighed and I noticed he was about to refuse so I interrupted him.

"You can tell me the easy way or," I wiggled my fingers at him, "the Jedi mind tricking way. Your choice."

I waited patiently on the couch as he began to explain the story to me and it wasn't extremely complicated. Or so I thought.

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