26| Wake Up

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'I don't have Con & Hank adventures anymore though!' – Jacksepticeye
(Yet again, couldn't write a fight scene to save my life)

Connor's Perspective

Pulling the coldest face he could, Connor awaited for his taxi to be stopped. His window slowly rolled down & he came face to face with a Cyberlife guard.

"Connor Model #313 248 317." He turned to face ahead "I'm expected."

He felt a sudden, small jolt of energy pass over his temple as the scanner verified his LED.

'Identification successful.'

"Okay." The guard stepped away from the window, allowing the taxi to continue its path into Cyberlife. "Go ahead."

Connor's window rolled back up, allowing him to breathe out a sigh of relief, even though he didn't need air.

Cyberlife's gates slowly rolled down, letting the taxi drive past trains as it made its way to the Tower. Pulling to a halt, the car allowed Connor to step out of the vehicle as he looked at the place he'd once considered a shrine to all androids.

This was the place of his mission.

Retaining his stance, he walked into the tower, where another 3 guards were awaiting him.

"Follow me. We'll escort you."

"Thanks..." He tilted his head slightly "But I know where to go."

"Maybe, but I have orders." The guard countered.

Complying, the RK800 walked in tow of the uniformed officer in front of him.

'Connor Android Identified.'

The thing that intrigued Connor most was the large, black statue in the centre of the room as they walked past row after row of androids, each of them looking back & forth across the room. Without emotion, just like he used to be.

When they made it to the elevator, he took his place in between the two guards who had accompanied him.

"Agent 54. Level 31."

'Voice recognition validated. Access authorised.'

Looking to his right, Connor scanned over the different floors before his eyes landed on the warehouse – floor -49.

That was most likely where the androids would be.




The elevator made its ascend, & Connor made his plan.





Looking around the enclosed space, his eyes fell on a security camera.

It was on, & if it stayed that way it'd see what Connor was about to do.

Staring at it long enough to access its mainframe data, he was able to hack it, up to the point where he shut it down.



That was one problem out of the way.

More Than A Machine || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now