22: Love Letter

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Shawn's POV
Dear y/n,
I know you've always been a fan of
these cheesy letters. Today, I've decided to write you one.
What's new in your life? Me and Brian just got back from getting coffee.
Are you cold? It's freezing here. If you want, I'll bring you my favourite sweatshirt.
Tomorrow, I go into the studio. I wrote you a song and I can't wait for you to hear it.
Since you always complain about my choice of black jeans, I wore a pair of blue ones and the whole Mendes Army flipped out.
Our song came on the radio today. I thought about you the whole time. You sing that song better than anyone else I've ever met.
My mum helped me prepare your favourite meal today. She's a much better cook than I am.
Baby, I have so much more to say and I cant wait until you're here so I can tell it all to you.
- Love, Shawn ♡
I make my way to the post office.
Then I walk on past.
My toes curl underneath my socks.
I stand.
Eyes: meeting the black gate, sheliding back the cemetery.
I walk.
Quietly closing the gate.
Leaves crunched underneath my boots. The wind swayed my hair.
When we finally meet again, I take a knee in front of her.
"Hey darling." I speak. "I got you this." My hands unfolded the wadded paper and place it on the shiny stone.
I smile.
"Oh, I also got you this." I gasp, remembering.
My fists clutch my sweatshirt and hurl it over my head.
Folding it next to her roses.
"There. Don't want you getting cold."
My freezing fingertips graze the rock.
"I miss you, love. Can't wait until you're home." I whisper to her.
And to her only.
"Please write me back." I speak to her, now walking away.
Until next time.
Until she returns.

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