47: You Belong With Me

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Another one dedicated to eternalnamjoon!
Helly's POV
"Glad we finally got to do this." He says while pulling the chair out from behind me, allowing myself to take a seat.
"So am I."
We share a loving smile.
Shawn takes a seat right across from me.
"You look- just- wow." He blushes.
"You look pretty wow yourself." I chuckle.
"Can I get you two anything to drink?" The nice waitress asks as she struts by.
"I'll have a water." He says, quickly motioning for me to answer.
"Yeah, I'll have a water aswell. Thank you."
She hands us two menus.
"Oh, and ma'am-" Shawn stops her, "could we have a bottle of red wine for the table?"
She nods, "Of course! Anything else?"
He looks at me and then back to her, "that will be all, thanks."
Once she makes her way to the back, I cup my chin in my palm and stare at him in awe.
"Wine, eh? Fancy."
He giggles and grabs hold of the menu in front of him. I do the same.
Shawn's eyes scan over the page's words. "I'm thinking either pasta or soup. What do you think?"
"Pasta sounds amazing right now." I happily sigh.
"Here you are." The waiter says as she scoots us our water, along with the wine bottle and glasses. "Are you ready to order?"
He hums, "For me, I'll take the spaghetti with meatsauce and garlic."
I nod, "I'll have the same."
"Alright, I will be back shortly with some garlic bread."
She collects our menus and disappears once more.
"How has work been treating ya'?" I ask him, trying to start up some small talk.
"Not the best. Always trying to force me into dating girls for publicity or some dumb shit like that. I know deep down I'm ready to be with someone. My fans even adore her. Just.. nobody knows about my feelings towards her. Not even her. I'm afraid it will ruin us."
It feels as if my heart is eating itself alive.
I like him. I have for years.
He's always been there for me. We have always been the best of friends.
Now.. now he likes someone. It hurts.
"Oh, well.. who is she?" I ask.
His cheeks begin to glow, "I- I.."
He looks up, facing his left.
"What is it?" I ask.
"I think I just saw someone."
"Well, who?"
Shawn remains silent.
A basket with garlic bread slides across our table.
"Nevermind. Probably just nothing."
I shrug and reach out to grab a bite of the warm bread.
He opens the wine bottle and slowly pours it into my glass.. then his.
"What should we cheers to?" He asks.
"To good bread and getting fat." I say.
We chuckle.
"Well.. then," he raises his glass up to touch mine, "to good bread and getting fat."
"I'm so full-" I groan as I lower my fork and wipe the corners of my lips.
"Same." He laughs and leans down in his seat.
His head darts to his left once more.
He closes his teeth together and says something inaudible for my ears.
"Look. Down." He repeats in a harsh whisper.
Before I'm able to oblige, I notice him.. my ex.
It sounds a lot less worse than it is, but he hurt me, not only verbally, but in every other way you could think of.
"Helly?" He calls while stumbling towards our table.
I sit up as straight as I can.
"Who is this?" He motions to Shawn.
"That is- uhm- this is Shawn."
"Is he like- your new boyfriend?" He snorts in a joking tone.
Shawn curls his nose after stuffing the little checkbook with money.
"Come on, Helly. Let's just get out of here."
"Get out of h- oh come on!" He throws his head back in laughter. "You dump me to go with some fuck boy who won't even stand up for you." More laughter, "now that is priceless!"
Shawn wraps my hand in his and walks with me out the door as my ex follows.
"Look, I don't know what the fuck your problem is, but she did not dump you to go with me. She dumped you because you're a messed up asshole who had the best gift life could offer and treated it like shit." Shawn snaps while pushing him away from us.
He begins walking closer to us.
"Don't lay another fucking hand on me. You will fucking regret it."
Shawn smiles, "Don't give me a reason to."
He smiles back, taking a step closer to me. His palms surprisingly slap me back, causing me to fall onto the concrete sidewalk.
The breath was knocked right out of me.
Shawn's arms wraps around my ex's neck, choking him. "Don't fucking touch her, prick!"
I watch Shawn's knee jab right up into my ex's gut. I can almost feel the pain.
"Stop!" I shout.
Then, his fist towards his nose.
He finally let's him go. We watch him drop to the ground.
Shawn grabs my hand, lightly caressing it, before helping me up. He stands in front of me, like my shield, protecting me from the evil gore.
"Don't touch her again. Don't even think about touching her again."
Before he could speak, the loud siren of a cop car went off. Which causes him to take off.
"Please tell me you're okay." Shawn says while groping my shoulders.
"I'm fine.. just- just got the wind knocked out of me." I gasp.
My hand remains in his he doesn't let go.
"Helly, he didn't deserve you."
"I know. He wasn't like that at first. Only person I've ever gone with and he treated me like shit."
"I wouldn't let you hurt like that. I'd wanna' give you a real relationship. I'd want you to feel loved."
I let out a fake snicker. "That girl you have a thing for sure is lucky. She just doesn't know it yet."
"That girl-" he starts, "that girl is you, Helly."
I stay silent.
"And- and I'm hoping you would give me the opportunity to. To love you. To be with you. To make all of those tragic memories with him go to waste. To make new memories with you. What do you say..?"
I say? What do I say?

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