Childhood Lovers. 11

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  • Dedicated to heroes

Hayden's Point of View:

Mist and fog hovered over the Pier. People were bundled up in winter coats and scarves, unaccustomed to the below 70 weather (they would never survive through a Connecticut winter.)

I was strolling through the crowd, when the lead singer of a street performing band caught my eye.

Carmen, the waitress, was belting out some Janis Joplin. Her voice was incredible - raspy, soulful - and her vocal range was mind-boggling.. When she saw me watching, she indicated for me to come forward.

When the song finished, Carmen leaned forward and whispered, "Get out your guitar."

Of course, the one day I carry my guitar in public, I get swooped up into a street performing band. Can you say coincidence? Here comes the conflict - I have super stage fright. Its one thing performing in front of a few people, and another performing in front of a large crowd filled with strangers. But considering this day couldn't get any worse, I agreed. It was also sort of a self-deeming goal; if I could face my biggest fear, I could also face heartbreak, if I could get over my biggest fear, I could also get over Chase.

After pulling out my guitar, I quickly made sure it was in tune.

"What are we playing?" I whispered to the male guitarist, standing next to me.

"Like A Rolling Stone," he whispered back. "C chord, F chord . . ."

"Yeah, yeah," I cut him off. "I know the song." I heard him chuckle, but I was too preoccupied by my knotting stomach to respond.

When I heard the beat begin, I shut my eyes and strummed the first chord. Opening my eyes, I looked down at my guitar neck, checking my finger position. By the time, I looked back up; I was too into the song to care about the large crowd. When the song filled my ears, it killed my nerves - funny how music has that kind of power over me.

The song ended, leaving me with this surge of adrenaline and ecstasy, making me feel weightless and carefree. The crowd's applause only fueled me more. By the end of the set list, the crowd had faded out.

While packing up, Carmen said, "Thanks for joining us. You really added to the sound! I didn't know you were such a guitar goddess."

"Well, I wouldn't call myself that," I said, modestly. "You were the goddess. Where did you learn to sing like that?"

"Now, it's my turn to be modest," Carmen said, with a white smile. "So, what are you doing tonight? Cause there is a big party tonight, and you should come."

I thought of Chase's invitation to be his date to the party. "Oh yeah, I heard about that."

"Yeah, it's supposed to be huge," Carmen said. Going to a big party meant meeting plenty of new people and showing Chase that I didn't need him.

"Sure, why not!"

"Great, I'll pick you up around seven! You're staying at Chase Levine's house, right?"

I clenched my jaw before saying, "Yup."

"Cool, I know where his house is! See you then!" I watched her pack up the remaining equipment and hop into the band van.

Zipping up my guitar case, I started walking back to the house. If I wanted to show Chase what he was missing, I had to look HOT.

Back at the house, Rebecca and my mother were preparing dinner. John and Dad were watching a baseball game. Chase was nowhere in sight.

"Dinner in five minutes," Rebecca said. "Would you mind getting Chase? He's in his room."

"Sure," I said, with a fake smile. Leaving the kitchen, I walked to my bedroom and dropped my guitar case onto my bed. Then, I headed down the hallway to Chase's room.

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