Childhood Lovers. 12

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I woke up in my own bed, still dressed in my party outfit. A killer headache, dizziness, and nausea greeted me. The pain caused me to groan.

"Oh you're up." I turned my head to the side to see Chase in the old rocking chair. The pillow behind his head and the blanket on his lap told me that he had spent the night in the chair.

"Yeah," I moaned. Pressing my hand against my forehead, I massaged my throbbing temple.

"Here take one of these," Chase said, getting up and handing me some Advil tablets. "What exactly do you remember from last night?"

"Well . . ." I started, trying to focus my fuzzy memory. "I remember drinking, a lot. And then going upstairs with some guy . . ."

"And . . ." Chase pushed me to think farther, but my brain wouldn't allow it.

"That's it. I'm drawing a blank from there." Chase got up from the rocking chair, and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Well, that guy tried to rape you. When I saw you go upstairs with him, I kept a close guard. I heard you scream so I barged in and pulled him off of you. While we were fighting, you must have crawled out to the bathroom. And that's where I found you, passed out."

"Well, thank you," I said, softly. My anger towards him started to melt.

Chase took a deep breath before saying, "Look Hayden, now that you're speaking to me, I've got to say a few things. I'm so incredibly sorry for what I did to you. The word 'sorry' doesn't even begin to express the pain, guilt, and remorse I feel. I know I can't justify what I did, but I have to tell you, that wasn't me. That was the jerk I pretend to be when I'm around my Californian friends. You're the only one of my friends that knows the real me, and the 'real Chase' would never do that."

"Chase, please," I said, the pounding in my head growing stronger.

"Hayden, I have to finish," Chase said, desperately. "You've always had a special place in my heart, Ace. And seeing you now, ten years later, the place has grown bigger. I don't want to be just friends anymore . . . I want to be more. I was hoping this summer was going to be our chance to finally get together, but this stupid bet screwed everything up. I wanted to kiss you, because I like and care about you, not because I wanted some cash. You've got to believe me, but I know you probably won't. Please, just let me show you that I do feel this way, give me a second chance."

So much to soak in, so much to process. His voice, his eyes, his words all showed truth in what he was saying. But, what if it happened again? What if I let my guard down, and history repeated itself?

"Chase, I want to believe you, but I'm afraid to. I'm not sure if I trust you anymore. I'm willing to give you that second chance, but you're going to have to earn my trust back. I don't want to know two sides of you, see your two faces. I want the real Chase, that I know and love. Please, don't let me down."

"I won't," he whispered, before pulling me into a tight embrace.

Still hungover, Chase insisted that I have a mental health day. He also insisted on staying home and taking care of me. Chase made Mac & Cheese (great hangover food) and tea, watched movies with me, and made sure I was always comfortable.

"Hey," Chase shook me awake. I had fallen asleep on his lap during the movie. "Come outside, you have to see this."

"Mom, five more minutes," I groaned, sleepily. I pulled the blanket over my head and rolled over on my side.

"No, no you'll miss it . . . don't make me do this," Chase playfully threatened.

"Go away," I said, desperate for sleep.

"Okay, you asked for it." Chase broke into a tickle attack. Squirming and giggling, I found myself fully awake now.

"You win," I said, standing up and wrapping the blanket around my shoulders. "But this better be worth it."

Chase led me outside onto the back porch, and told me to lie down and look at the sky. I did so, and he lied next to me. I gazed up at the sky, waiting to see what all the hype was about when . . . a shooting star swam across. Then another, and another, and another, and another! I lost track of how many I saw.

"Meteor shower," Chase whispered. Fascinated by the sight, I smiled and squeezed his hand.

"This is amazing," I whispered back.

"Worth sparing a few minutes of sleep?"



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