Childhood Lovers. 19

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“Are you really going to tolerate his bullshit? That makes you almost as pathetic as he is,” Chase scorned at me, his eyes red with fire, and his fists balling together.

“Hey,” Tyler interfered. “Don’t talk to her like that!”

Chase seemed to be taken back by this, by the way he instantly loosened his fists. His eyes narrowed down at me, the anger escaping from his pupils, as he said, “Ace, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it.”

“It’s okay,” I said, a little shaken by it. I just had to remind myself that this was Chase’s way of coping about his father’s illness. “I know you didn’t mean it.”

“Come on, we need to get you inside,” I said, leading Chase into the house.

As I passed Tyler, I mouthed “I’m sorry.” He nodded, acknowledging my sympathy.

His hands tangled behind his head, Chase stormed into the kitchen, trying to cool down. He slammed his fists down onto the counter and breathed heavily. Walking over, I tried to sooth him by rubbing him and wrapping my arms around his waist. Pressing my head into his back, I felt him inhale and exhale.

“I’m really sorry, Ace. I don’t know what’s going on with me lately! I just get so frustrated and angry, and I lose it, to the point where I don’t even know who I’m attacking.”

“I understand, Chase,” I whispered, averting my gaze.

“I can tell your upset.”

“I’m not. I was just frightened, but it’s okay.”

Chase tilted my chin so that I was forced to look at him. “Hayden, please, I don’t want you to be afraid of me. I love you so much, and you have to know that I will never ever hurt you.”

He kissed my forehead and pulled me into a tight embrace.

“But I don’t want you to hurt Tyler either,” I muttered into his chest. Biting my lip, I waited for his reaction. Chase loosened his grip around me, and took a step away from me.

“Why . . . do you keep sticking up for him? He’s made nothing but trouble, and yet you keep giving him chances to make it up.” I could hear the anger seeping back into his voice.

“I don’t know,” I stuttered. “I just feel like . . . he’s not all bad. Just something is getting in the way, making him choose horrible decisions.”

“And that one thing is his selfish motive to steal you away from me,” Chase spat. “Can't you see? You’re falling for his stupid little ploy. He’s got you tied around a string, making you his little puppet. This is a classic-Tyler act. He’s purposely making you feel bad, thinking maybe he’s a good guy with a troubled life, when in reality he’s just playing you, for his own entertainment. I can’t believe, you of all people, would be completely blind to this. I thought you were different.”

Chase stormed out of the kitchen, and slammed his bedroom door. When had we entered this parallel world, where everything was flipped? Where Tyler was being the good guy, while Chase was being the complete jerk?

Now, it was my turn to be angry.

I stomped over to his locked bedroom door, and banged on it. “You know what, Chase, you’re wrong! You obviously don’t have a soul, because if you did you would see that Tyler is sincere about everything. He’s not putting on this act, so grow up and accept that people have more than one layer! And for the record, learn to control your temper, because I’m getting seriously fed up with your constant urge to fight.”

When I finished screaming, I heard Chase turn up his stereo and blast some obnoxious music.

“Wow, aren’t you cool! Blasting your music so you wont have to hear me. Real mature. Screw you Chase!”

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