Childhood Lovers. 13

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The next day, I woke up, feeling good as new. The sun was shining, a warm breeze was coming in from my bedroom window, and I could hear the loud croaks of the beach seagulls. Feeling energized, I got on my purple bikini, and covered up with a grey off-the-shoulder shirt.

I heard the shower running in Chase's bathroom. Skipping down the hallway, I headed to the kitchen, hoping to grab some breakfast. Rebecca left a note on the counter, letting us know they would be out for the day, however she didn't specify where.

Today, I felt invincible. The bad spell was over, everything was fixed. The reassurance that everything was okay between Chase and I filled me up with optimism. However, that optimism was crushed when the doorbell rang.

"Hello?" I swung open the door, and saw the vain of my existence. Literally, I had to stop myself from lunging towards them and ripping their hair out.

"Hey there," Tyler said, with an innocent smile. It disgusted me that he could act so perfectly normal, like nothing was wrong. "Is Chase around? Or did he already leave for work?"

"He's in the shower," I said, coldly.

"Okay, well I'll wait for him," Tyler said, barging in without permission. I guess he didn't need an invitation, seeing as this was his best friend's house. Smugly, he flopped onto the couch and put his bare feet on the coffee table. "So, what's cookin' good lookin'?"

How lame. "Cut the crap."

"Where did that come from? I was just being friendly," Tyler said.

"Oh is that what you call it? Was making a bet about me another friendly gesture?"

Tyler put on this face that made it seem like he was offended, however his eyes gave him away.

"Look, we were just messing around. It's what Chase and I do. We're guys, we're bros, it's just how our friendship is," Tyler said. "Don't take it personally."

"Wow, you really are a jerk. Don't take it personally? So, you've done this to other girls, which makes it so much better? If that's your thought process, then that just makes you a sick bastard. I hope you're really content with who you are, because once an ass, always an ass."

"Ouch, baby, you're harsh," Tyler said, with a smirk. "Who knew you were so feisty."

"Get over yourself," I said, tired of this, tired of him. Why was Chase friends with him? I know that deep down Chase was a good guy, but I couldn't help but worry that maybe Tyler was a bad influence on him.

Tyler got up from the couch, and walked towards me, taking his sweet time.

"Hayden, don't write me off as such a bad guy. I did it for you," Tyler said, trying to flip the story. "When you came here, you reconnected with Chase, your little 'childhood lover' which instantly closed yourself off from other guys. You never gave other guys, here in California, the chance." I started walking towards the kitchen, and Tyler followed me. "Guys like me. When I saw you, I couldn't get over how damn sexy you were. But I heard about your date with Chase, and how you guys looked at each other, and I knew I had to change that. So I made the bet with Chase, knowing you would find out and dump his ass. Originally, I was going to have Jessica tell you, but you waking up and seeing worked out even better. So you see, I did it for a good reason. I want you, Hayden. And when I want something, I get it."

He just dug himself in a huge hole. He was rude, cocky, arrogant, backstabbing, and selfish. Thinking fast, I grabbed the water bottle that was on the kitchen counter and emptied it on him. Tyler jerked back and wiped his drenched face of the water.

"Get this through your head. I, Hayden Peterson, will never ever get with you. Now, I'm going to let you slide on this, and not tell Chase what you did, but if you ever try to meddle with our relationship again, I will reveal whom you really are. I will also make sure that I contact each and every girl you've ever used or hurt, so that they can help me make your life a living hell." Just as I finished, I heard the shower turn off. "Now, go get Chase and get out of my sight before I decide to change my mind."

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