Childhood Lovers. 17

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Unintentionally, my fingers touched my lips, leaving me stunned at what had happened. Tyler, the dick, the player, the best friend of Chase, had kissed me, the new girl, the outsider, the girlfriend of Chase.

Tyler hadn't answered a single question; he had only created more.

Carmen rushed over to me. "What the fuck just happened?"

"I don't know," I said, dumbfounded. Slowly coming back to life, I strunged the events together to explain what happened.

"So Jessica wasn't lying," Carmen said, shaking her head distastefully.

"How do you know that?" I asked. For some reason, today I couldn't stop questioning everything.

"Because Tyler doesn't kiss girls. His player technique is luring the girl in but making them initiate the first move. That way, when he leaves the girl, she can only blame herself for being 'too forward.'"

"But he kissed me?" I said.

"Right, which means you're not just another regular girl that he's going to use and then throw out like a tissue. It means that he's really into you. It means he's not pulling his usual player method on you. It means he's jeopardizing his friendship with Chase, for a girl he can't resist."

"No, no," I said, denying it. "It can't be! Something must be wrong, must be off. It's got to be some kind of trick or something."

"Tyler wouldn't dare ruin his reputation as a player for some sort of trick. And even if it was some sort of ploy, it was still to win you over."

Weakness shivered through my legs, and my stomach began to churn. "I think I'm going to be sick." I fell onto a chair, and took deep breaths. "Why would he do this to Chase?"

"Because Tyler is a selfish guy, who does whatever it takes to get what he wants, even if it means hurting his best friend," Carmen said, speaking in a calm and soothing voice.

"That's horrible! He's horrible!" I started crying from all the stress and confusion. "What about Chase? What do I do, what do I say? He's going to take this so badly, I know he is! And he's either going to dump me or dump Tyler!"

"Shhh," Carmen cooed, as she pulled me into an embrace. "It's going to be okay. You have to tell Chase exactly what happened, everything from the bet to Jessica's apology to the kiss. He'll understand, and he's not going to dump you. But, most likely he will stop being friends with Tyler. You can't cover for him again, he deserves it this time."

Yes, Tyler did deserve this. I had protected him once, and warned him to never try again. And yet, he did so anyway. He betrayed me, and even worst, he betrayed Chase. Chase needed to know the truth, that Tyler was a backstabbing, girlfriend stealing, friend. Tyler didn't deserve Chase's friendship, and yet I couldn't help but feel bad for Tyler. Maybe deep down, he was a good guy who made bad decisions, like Jessica. But reality was, Tyler needed to change, and he had to suffer for his consequences, and learn from his mistakes.

Carmen drove me home, knowing I was too upset to make the walk back. The tears had stopped, but the uneasy and sick feeling had not. Nevertheless, the moment I walked through the door and saw Chase sitting on the couch with a big smile, the water works came back.

Running over to Chase, I curled up next to him, and sobbed into his chest. Chase didn't ask questions, which I was thankful for. He just let me cry, while he stroked my hair and soothed me.

When I was all cried out, I sat up. Following Carmen's instructions, I told him everything, filling in my opinion along the way.

"I see," he said, uncomfortable. "Well he obviously likes you, no doubt about it. The question is . . . do you like him?"

"NO!" I blurted out. Knowing I was talking far too fast, I continued. "I don't want you to ever think that. I could care less if he liked me, honestly I don't know why he does. But, I think he's a player, vile, egotistical, self-centered, greedy, heartless, and spoiled. Other girls might fall for him, but not me! I don't love him, I love you!"

Now, I had really done it. I instantly regretted saying those three little words. Yes, I was sure of my feelings, because since we were kids, I loved him. Seeing him this summer and being with him, only confirmed and strengthened my feelings, taking them to a whole new level. But I thought it was far too early in our relationship to admit our feelings. And once you say it, you can never take it back.

Chase stared at me for a moment, which made me nervous. Honestly, I had no idea what was running through his head right now.

Finally he said, "I love you too, Hayden. I always have."

Tears ran down my face, in utter joy and relief. Today had been a rough, frustrating and drama filled day - but right now, all of my problems seemed so far away.

Chase kissed me, softly and tenderly. "Please, don't cry. I can't stand to see you sad."

"I'm not sad anymore," I said, laughing through the tears. "Words cannot describe the happiness I feel right now."

I kissed him back. Still kissing, we moved as one, heading in the direction of the bedrooms - we both were thinking the same thing. It was time; the perfect and right time.

Going into Chase's bedroom, we flopped onto his bed. Chase removed his shirt, and placed himself onto of me. He helped me remove my shirt, revealing my bra.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Chase asked, before removing his pants.

"Positive. If there's anyone I want to lose it to, it's you. I'm ready."

"And it's not because you feel bad about what happened with Tyler and you think this is the only way to prove to me that you love me?"

"Mood killer!" I exclaimed, with a playful laugh. "I don't need to prove anything to you, because you know how I really feel about you. Look into my eyes, and tell me what do you see when I look at you?"

"I see . . . love." He looked down at me, with a comforting grin spread across his face.

My smile was all he needed to know that it was okay to proceed. The first surge of pain turned into pleasure. Our bodies, minds, hearts, souls connected as one - only resulting in a whole new degree of love.

When it's right, there's no doubts, regrets, or second thoughts. When it's right, you know that the person eternally loves you as much as you love them. When it's right, the wait is worth it, even if it means waiting seventeen years for the right guy.


feeedback please! i want your opinionss! big big big scene and alot has happened, so i want to know what you think of all of it! comment, vote, tweet, and like!<3

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