Rollercoaster | 9

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Lisa's Point of View

"What's really with Jimin?" I uttered to myself then sighed.

I didn't bother myself to think or overthink rather of what's really with him and also with Tae oppa.

I exited the airport and get in the airport's service outside to drive me home.

I tried to call my mom and dad but they didn't answer or even bother text me since earlier.

"Weird." I thought before putting my phone in my bag.

They usually text me if they'll be busy or what but now, I haven't receive any texts or any missed calls from them.

I just put my attention to the houses and structures that we're passing by.

There's so many structures that weren't here before I leave Thailand, the country really improves a lot. Wow.

I saw the main capitol and municipality of Bangkok and saw the big change it undergoes.

Wow. Thailand is really on another level.

I was about to have some photos of it but I'm really tired enough to take out my camera. I felt sleepy.

My eyelashes started to feel like having a heavy weights on top of it. I guess, it's because of the flight I took and lack of sleep.

Later on, I didn't realize that I fell asleep.


"Miss, we're already here." the driver said that woke me up.

I looked at the surrounding and saw that he's right, we're already in my destination.

"I miss you my original home." I said to myself softly while feeling the land breeze and the fresh air.

The driver helped me up to take my things down the service cab.

I strolled my luggage and started walking towards my mom and dad's house, in short, our house.

I wonder what would be their reaction. Will they be surprised? Ah, I don't know but I'll just keep my excitement aside.

I slowly opened the door and was about to surprise them, "Surpr-"

Before I finished the word 'surprise', I'm the one to be surprised.

It's not because they surprised me, it's because I saw someone I'm not expecting to be here.

I sighed, then ask him, "What are you doing here, Jeon Jungkook?"

He just smiled at me, my mom and dad too are smiling. I think they welcome him to come in the house happily.

Oh, I almost forgot, my mom is an army. I wouldn't blame her and she doesn't even know what happened to us.

My phone beeped as if someone texted me, I quickly searched for my phone, and then opened it.

"He's not with us taking the flight to L.A because he's there in Thailand." I softly read his message just with my eyes.

Damn you, Jimin! I hate you!

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